200 Million Power Couple

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Back in Mock Town, a man was walking around being drunk, when a stack of wanted papers landed in front of him.

This man was one of Bellamy's henchmen.

"Is that newspaper? Must be the real early edition. Heheheh. Oh wait, it's a stack of wanted posters. We live in a crazy world nowadays."

Then he came across Luffy's and Yukiko's wanted posters.

"Hey, it's that boy from earlier. And that pretty girl that rejected Bellamy. What was their Bounties again?" He read them.

"100. 100,000. I think I need some reading glasses! Hahaha!"

But as he looked at it again and read further all the color drained from his face and he started sweating up a storm.

"1,000,000. 10,000,000........ 100 million?!?! They are both worth 100 million?!?!"

Then he saw the one of the strange squirrel. Which had a bounty of 87 million! And Zoro who had a bounty of 60 million!

The four of them together, would be worth.............

"347 MILLION?!?!?!"
By the time Luffy and Yukiko reach Mock Town, the moon was high into the sky.

And Luffy landed on a tower Rooftop and yelled.


That got a particular pirate to come out of the bar.

Yukiko stayed on Melbourne as Bellamy looked up.

While Bellamy was surprised to see the girl on a dragon he spotted Luffy. "Strawhat. You called?"

"Yeah. Give back Pops gold." Luffy said in a serious tone.

"Gold? Ha! You mean the junk we got from Old Man Cricket?" Bellamy then used a Devil Fruit ability to jump onto the tower.

"Maybe it's news to you, but that's what pirates do. Ever heard of looting? Then again, you're just a dreamer that doesn't know the real world!" Bellamy mocked.

"Well, if stealing is what we pirates do..." Yukiko starts.

"We'll just steal it back." Luffy finished.

Luffy and Yukiko stare down Bellamy on the roof as all of Bellamy's crewmates and other locals are gathered outside to watch.

"Can you even fight?" Bellamy sneers at Luffy. "Do you even know how to throw a punch?"

Over the course of the battle, Bellamy gave Luffy some hits though he kept missing Yukiko.

Bellamy then shouted to Yukiko than she is missing out by staying with losers like Luffy.

"Why don't you spare us the humiliation and come with us real Pirates doll?"

"I'd rather take a risk against a sea king than be your bed partner." Yukiko retorted with a frown.

Bellamy scowls and twitches at her silence and to his final breaking point.

"Very well then! If that's how it is, then let me show you the true power of my Spring Spring Fruit!" he bend his knees and then with the power of his Devil Fruit he springs but this time he wasn't aiming at Luffy or Yukiko but at the ground next to them and then he hit another building and then another, and another and as he keeps on springing on different building his speed increases tremendously to the point where no one can see him anymore.

"They are done for now! No one's has ever escaped from Bellamy's Spring Hopper" Sarkies boasted as if he already knows how the battle is going to end and that Bellamy will win.

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