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A while later, Usopp's made three underwater suits out of barrels connected to air hoses on the ship. Luffy, Zoro and Sanji all put on the suits and we lower them into the ocean.

Yukiko made sure they were accompanied by Magnum, Marissa, Rubius and Neptune.

"You sure they are stable?" Yukiko asked. "Maybe I should've come...."

"Don't worry, they'll be fine!" Usopp says, patting her shoulder. "Those barrels are my special design, they've never been busted! Plus they are with your Pokémon, they'll be okay." Chopper continues to lower them when they hear noise that sounds like chanting.

"What's all the noise?" Usopp wonders, pulling down one of his goggles.

"Is that another ship?" Yukiko asked she heard the high pitched noises of whistles and cymbals from a giant... monkey-banana boat(?).

Then a giant monkey appears near the bow, "Prepare to raise the ship!" he yells. "What lies on the bottom now belongs to the King of Salvagers, Masira of the Masira pirates!"

"Great, a boat of unstable men led by an unstable monkey…" Nami mutters.

"Then again....." Yukiko said as she thought of their own crew....

"Hey, what are you people doing here?!" Masira demands. "In case you didn't know, all these waters belong to me!"

"They do?" Nami asks while Usopp sinks behind the pulley and continues lowering Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji.

"That's right; every vessel that sinks in these parts automatically becomes mine!" Masira answers. "You're not trying to take what's mine are you?"

"So they're going to raise the ship." Robin muses. "Easier for us."

"But not for our guys already down there!" Usopp points out.

"We should just keep our mouths shut and let him do it!" Nami hisses. She then waves to Masira, "Excuse me, can I ask you a question first?"

"You've got questions for me?!" Masira exclaims. "Fine, whatever, ask away."

"Are all you big strong men gonna salvage that ship?" Nami asks sweetly.

Masira freezes before blushing and grinning, "Stop, you're making me blush!"

" disturbing…" Usopp mumbles.

"Ugh…" Yukiko and Pachi grimaced.

"What a loser…" Nami grumbles before putting on a smile again. "Do you mind if we watch you big strong men work?"

Masira laughs, "You just watch us to your heart's content!" Well, that was easy.

"Captain, we have a problem!" One of the salvagers yells. "Something happened to the guys who were trying to set the cradle; it looks like this thing went to town on them with their fists! And they said something big attacked them too!"

"What?! You mean someone else is down there?!" Masira demands.

'Oh dear......' Yukiko thought.

"I'm gonna kill him…" Nami whines.

"You may not get the chance." Usopp says.

"Listen up!" Masira yells to us, making us jump. "There's someone else down there, so be careful!" ...Seriously?

"Oh sure!" Nami says.

'Wow, he makes Luffy look like a genius.....' Yukiko thought.

They watch as Masira barks orders and sends more people in suits under the water.

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