One Piece x BNHA pt 23

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A few days came by and the Internships are finally over.

Luffy and the gang were back at their temp apartment discussing how to teach the kids about haki over the camping trip.

"So we teach them like we did for the teachers?" Robin asked.

"Yeah, but we need to decide who will tag along on the camping trip and who stays here since the teachers still need some teaching on Haki." Nami said as she took out straws. "Short straws stay here, long straws go on the trip." She said although she knew Luffy and Yukiko will go no matter what she said.

Those with their results:

Stay: Usopp, Sanji, Franky, Brook, Alina, and Nami.

Camp: Zoro, Chopper, Robin, Jinbei, Bonney, and Ace.


"You have a good time and please don't seriously harm the kids." Alina reminded Ace as she got his suitcase packed.

"Got it." Ace said as he kissed his wife.

Soon the selected members of the crew were off to the Hero Camping Trip.

They took a luxury bus to reach their destination and were waiting for the students.

Although the students did get lost on the way.......


The next day once Class 1A rested up, they all met at the training field alongside Class 1B.

Before them was Luffy, Yukiko, Ace, Zoro, Robin, Jinbei, and Bonney.

"Luffy-san, what are you and the others doing here?" Izuku asked.

"To answer that..." Aizawa spoke up..."We asked members of Luffy's gang to come and mentor you all."


"EEEEEEEEHHHHHHHH?!?!?!?!?!" The students all yelled in fear, surprise and shock. Mostly fear, as there had been a rumor going around that Joyboy (Luffy) had challenged All Might to a fight, and the former won!

"Nooooooo!" Mina wailed in despair.

"We were asked by Nedzu-chan personally, so we obliged! Now, we will be training you kids how to use Haki!" Yukiko smiled making them confused.

"Haki?" Jiro asked.

"Is that a quirk?" Idia asked a little skeptical.

"You may say that, but at the same time its not. It's a special ability only a couple of people can grasp but it comes from your own willpower. The stronger your will, the stronger the Haki." Ace said.

"Not everyone can use it as they are either not aware of it or they don't have a strong enough will. But it can give one a lot of advantages." Robin explained.

"There are three kinds of haki. In our world, Current understandings of Haki define three distinct types, each tied to a different ability: sensing others' spiritual energy to anticipate their movements, producing a protective coating of energy from one's own body, and—for a certain group of "chosen ones"—overwhelming the willpower of others." Jinbei explained surprising them.

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