Chapter 2

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

For those who might not know him, his name is Neo Trai Nimtawat, a Thai BL actor. He's currently starring in the ongoing BL series "Only Friends".

Neo's POV

"What am I doing?" I asked myself over and over again as I drove away after dropping Mark off at his house.

I knew it wasn't fair to date Mark while Louis was still my boyfriend.

I wondered if Mark was aware that I had a boyfriend. I wondered if he knew who Louis was.

Maybe Mark knew about Louis. Maybe that was why he moved away when it became obvious that I was going to kiss him.

I shook my head and banged on my wheel with my fist, setting off a loud honk which must have startled the other motorists.

I entered my driveway when I reached my residence.

I had hardly turned off the engine of my car when my phone started to ring.

The ringtone indicated that it was Louis calling.

"Hey, sweets," I said after swiping my phone screen.

"Guess what!!!" his voice was full of excitement.

"What," I said, my heart sinking because my instincts were telling me that his good news was bad news for me.

"I have been assigned to co-pilot an international flight!" he was practically yelling so that I had to hold my phone away from my ear.

"When is it happening?" I asked, unable to sound excited and happy for him.

"Tomorrow!" he replied, his voice still raised so high that my ear drum started tingling.

I wanted to remind him that tomorrow was my birthday so I had hoped to be able to spend my special day with him. He didn't even seem to remember because he never mentioned it at all. No apology that he wasn't going to be around for my special day. I guess the thought of being co-pilot on an international flight meant so much to him that he had forgotten that tomorrow was my birthday.

"Great," I said, still unable to feel the same excitement that he was feeling. "How long before I get to see you."

"I don't know," he replied, "but I promise to keep in touch."

"I will wait for your call then," I said, unable to keep my sadness and disappointment from creeping into my voice.

"Bye, love," he said, and cut the call.

I cursed while trying to unlock my front door. My vision was getting blurry and I was having a hard time fitting the key into the lock.

I went straight to my study where I had a glass cabinet. I took out a bottle of brandy, uncapped it and filled up my brandy glass.

I must have fallen asleep on the couch, drunk as a skunk.

I was awakened the following morning by the ringing of my phone. I was still a bit tipsy and because the ringtone was generic I decided to let the call go to voicemail.

I waited for the notification of a voicemail message but none came. Instead, my phone sounded an incoming text.

I forced myself to get off my couch.

I picked up my phone from my desk.

It was a text with a GIF of a birthday cake and multicolored balloons.


The greeting was from Mark.

I was about to text him back a thank you when I realized that I hadn't mentioned to him during last night's dinner that the following day was my birthday.

How the hell did he know.

Instead of sending him a thank you text, I decided to call him.

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