Chapter 7

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

Bambam's POV

"What's up with your strange outfit?" I just had to ask Louis when he walked into our pilots' quarters. "Why are you all covered up to the point that no one can see your pilot's uniform?"

And then before he could open his mouth to answer, I noticed one other strange thing about him.

"And what's with that walk?" I asked, my eyebrows raised so high that I'm sure they touched my hairline. "Why are you walking that way?"

Again before he could answer I raised my arm.

"Wait, wait, wait," I said. "Don't even try to answer because I'm sure your answer would be farthest from the truth."

He said nothing but I noticed the redness creeping upward his face as though he had suddenly developed an allergic rash.

I noticed how he grimaced with every step.

He had never told me that he had a boyfriend but because he had asked for a rain check on the evening that I had offered to treat him to a congratulatory dinner, I assumed that he had one or at least was dating someone.

"I'm guessing that you won't be able to cash that rain check that you asked for this evening," I said with a smile that hid the disappointment in me.

"I'm sorry, BamBam," he said with an apologetic smile.

He did not offer any explanation as to why he couldn't  have dinner with me this evening.

He grimaced once more as he made his way to his locker.

I followed him to our locker room where I unlocked my own locker to take out my sweater. Louis and I were the co-pilots for the red eye flight later to Los Angeles.

I heard his phone starting to ring as I stepped into the locker room. He fished it out of his pocket and swiped on the screen.

I tried not to eavesdrop but he was just a few steps away from me. How could I not overhear his conversation with his caller.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm fine, don't worry about it," I heard him say.

"I'm absolutely sure," he said after a very brief pause.

"Stop worrying. I'm fine. Yes, I made sure that I'm completely covered from neck to toe." I heard him say.

Another brief pause.

"Of course I can walk. Of course I can go back to work. In fact I'm right here in my locker room at the pilots' quarters," Louis said, his voice starting to sound strained.

"I won't be able to see you for sometime, perhaps a month... I'm sorry... but that's why I made the effort to see you yesterday. But I promise to keep in touch during my time of absence from you," this time his voice sounded placating.

"I love you too, lovey," I heard him say in a sickeningly sweet voice. "Can't wait to see you again. Bye, sweetheart."

When he swiped his phone screen to end the call, I said, "When are you also going to call me sweetheart?"

He turned around so fast that he almost lost his balance.

"How long have you been standing there?" he asked, his face turning pale and then turning red in alternate fashion.

I rushed towards him to hold him steady.

I hoped he couldn't hear the loud thudding of my heart as I held him fast in my arms.

"Easy there," I said. "I only heard the 'bye sweetheart' part."

He studied my face for a long time.

Of course I had to lie. How else could he save face.

But I'm a very patient man. I know that with persistence and patience and perseverance, the three great Ps, he would eventually succumb to my charms.

Anyway, I need to remember the name. Neo. I have to research on that name. For scientific purposes only. Wasn't that how people lied to justify their need to know more about someone?

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