Chapter 21

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

Third Person POV

Yes, I'm breaking up with you

Neo lay back weakly on his pillows as he stared at Louis' text.

He couldn't blame Louis for coming to that decision. He had called Louis a whore in a fit of a jealous rage.

Neo decided not to contact Louis to try to make him change his mind.

If Neo were truly honest with himself, he was actually starting to feel some kind of detachment from Louis. A long distance relationship was just not his thing.

With a loud and heavy sigh, Neo got out of bed to give in to the grumbling of his stomach.

He whisked three eggs into a bowl and got some green bell peppers and chopped them up into very thin strips. Then he minced some onions and whisked both bell peppers and onions into the bowl of eggs. He sprinkled a small amount of Himalayan pink salt before pouring the egg mixture into a previously heated pan of avocado oil.

He was staring at the platter of omelette and the oblong bowl with slices of buttered toast, wondering how he could have made so much breakfast that he knew for sure he would not be able to finish when he heard his front door buzz.

Neo glanced at his kitchen clock. It was close to eleven in the morning. Wow, he wasn't having breakfast, he was having brunch.

Neo reluctantly stood up from his breakfast chair and opened the door.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Neo was in no mood to be friendly to his next door neighbor.

He had seen this kid before, getting off the yellow school bus full of noisy grade school and high school kids being dropped off after school.

He had seen this kid before, getting off the yellow school bus full of noisy grade school and high school kids being dropped off after school

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

For those who might not know him, his name is Aungpao Ochiris Suwanacheep. He is a seventeen year old GMMTV newbie actor. He is currently starring in "Cooking Crush" as the love struck kid who is chasing a very flustered Neo who doesn't know how to deal with him. In spite of being new to acting and being so young, he is holding his own very well beside Neo. He has excellent acting skills which could take him far in his young career.

"Hi," said the next door neighbor kid, giving him a wide flashy grin. "I'm..."

"The next door neighbor," Neo bluntly interrupted him. "What do you want? Make it quick. I was just about to have breakfast."

"Sorry to interrupt your breakfast, but my dad was wondering if he could borrow your jumper to jump start his car."

"Why can't he come to ask himself?" Neo asked, still annoyed at the interruption of his first meal of the day.

"He's doing other stuff to his car to see what's wrong with it," the neighbor kid replied, his bright smile slowly withering away.

Neo let out a loud sigh and went to his driveway.

The kid followed Neo to his car.

"Be sure to return this as soon as your dad is finished with it," Neo said as he handed his jumper to the kid.

"Of course I will! Thanks very much!" the flashy smile was back.

"What's your name?" Neo asked before the kid could turn away, just in case he failed to return his jumper.

"Aungpao," the kid replied, still smiling.

"Full name," Neo said gruffly.

"Aungpao Ochiris Suwanacheep," the kid replied patiently, his smile losing a little bit of the previous flashiness.

"Aungpao Ochiris Suwanacheep," Neo repeated slowly so that he would be able to remember the name in case he had to go after him for his jumper.

Neo slammed his trunk shut.

The loud noise made the poor kid wince.

Neo watched as the kid ran out of his driveway. Neo didn't feel sorry about being grumpy to  Aungpao. He had to take out his frustration on someone.

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