Chapter 19

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

Gawin's POV

"Hey, I'm outside," I texted Mark.

This was the evening that we had agreed to go and watch a movie together.

"I'll join you in a minute," he texted back.

"Don't take too long in front of the mirror, you look handsome whatever you do to your hair," I texted back.

He sent an emoji with a smirking face.

When he settled into the passenger seat beside me, I leaned forward to smell him.

"I like your perfume," I remarked. "What is it?"

"That's not perfume, that's my perspiration," he said.

"Let me lick it dry then," I said, leaning towards him again.

He pushed me away.

"It's Polo Blue eau de toilette, to answer your earlier question," he said.

"Nice, I like it," I said before I started the engine.

"Wait," he said, placing his hand on my arm, "What movie are we watching?"

"Twin Murders, if you are into mystery thrillers," I replied. "But if you're into romance comedies we could watch "Air, Land, and Sea".

"I like mystery thrillers," he replied. "Let's go watch Twin Murders."

I eased the car out of the curb side and drove slowly up to the corner of the block that led into the main street where I carefully merged with the evening traffic.

"I'm guessing you haven't had dinner yet," I said, keeping my eyes on the road.

"No, Max went out with Tul. I depend on him to cook our meals," he replied.

"If you live with me, you won't have to depend on your brother for meals," I said, my eyes still on the road ahead, carefully changing lanes because the motorist ahead of me was a slowpoke.

"On a scale of one to to ten how would you rate your culinary skills?" he did not respond to my comment.

"Twenty," I replied, stepping hard on the brake because the motorist in front of me suddenly slowed down.

The sudden movement of my car made Mark lunge forward.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"Not your fault," he said, "I saw what the motorist ahead of us just did."

There was a brief moment of silence before he spoke again.

"If you can cook beef massaman curry for me every night, I will sleep in your bed every night," he said.

Ssscccrrreeeccchhh !!!

I almost crashed into the back of a white SUV.

"I just cooked that dish last night! In fact, I still have some leftover of it in my fridge!" I couldn't keep my voice from getting shrill because of the astonishing coincidence.

"Turn around," he ordered.


"I said, turn around and let's go to your place. I have been craving beef massaman curry for days but Max refuses to cook it because he says that it's too tedious and too complicated to make," he said.

I took a quick glance at Mark's face. He was dead serious.

Well, fuck the movies, I was going to have a more exciting time than a lousy mystery thriller.

I turned on my blinkers to signal left and slowly changed lanes, looking out for the exit that was closest to the one leading to my house.

When I saw it I quickly exited from the motorway, my heart pumping like crazy.

"Here we are," I said, turning to Mark after I had parked in my driveway and turned off the engine.

"Let's go in then, what are you waiting for," he said, stepping out of my car.

Wow, this kid was in a big hurry. Patience didn't seem to be one of his virtues.

"Sure," I replied belatedly, stepping out slowly from my car and pressing my key to lock its doors.

I fumbled so hard with my front door that I nearly dropped the key.

I stepped aside to let him in first.

"I can help you warm it in your microwave," he said without any preliminaries.

"Sure," was all I could say because I was starting to feel overwhelmed.

I took out the large bowl that contained the dish in question from the fridge and handed it to Mark.

"Have a blast," I said as he took it and went over to the microwave.

While waiting for the microwave to ding, he walked over to me.

I had stayed rooted by my fridge because I didn't know what to expect. I didn't dare to expect anything and then have my hopes dashed to the muddy ground.

My heart started beating fast and erratically again when he placed both hands on my shoulders. Then I felt one hand creep to the back of my neck.

He placed pressure on the back of my neck to push my head down towards his face.

Dinggg! went the microwave.

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