Chapter 16

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

Third Person POV

As soon as Neo realized that Mark needed a ride to get home, Neo ran out of the house to go after Mark before Mark could call for a taxi.

Wait, there was someone standing at the curb talking to Mark.

"Mark!" Neo called out to Mark.

Mark turned at the sound of Neo's voice. Mark had an undecided look on his face.

Neo had a feeling that this guy talking to Mark was the person whose name he overheard Mark's brother mention on the phone.

Neo stepped forward and placed himself between Mark and the other guy.

"Are you Gawin?" Neo asked, trying to sound friendly.

"And who are you?" Gawin countered.

Neo abandoned all efforts to be friendly.

"I am Mark's boyfriend. I'm going to give him a ride back to his house," Neo replied firmly, at the same time taking Mark by the hand and pulling him away from Gawin's presence.

"Mark, wait," Gawin tugged at Mark's other wrist. "Max is expecting me to bring you home. He called me just now to pick you up from here."

Mark stood rooted to his spot, feeling more and more undecided.

Then Gawin had an idea. He called Max.

"Where's Mark now?" Max asked before Gawin could even say hello.

"He's right here, Max," said Gawin. "You wanna talk to him?"

"Yes, give him your phone," Max replied.

"Your brother wants to talk to you," Gawin said, handing Mark his phone.

Mark reluctantly took Gawin's phone.

"Hello," Mark said on the phone, with just the tiniest bit of hesitation.

"What the hell, Mark, you said you would be home by now," Max said to his brother with a tinge of impatience.

"What do you need me for?" Mark asked.

"I will tell you when you get here," Max replied. "Just get into Gawin's car right now and let him take you home."

Mark handed the phone back to Gawin.

"What did your brother say?" Gawin asked.

"He wants me to go home right now," Mark replied.

"C'mon, I'll take you home," Gawin said already walking towards his car.

On his phone, Gawin said to Max, "Mark and I are on the way to your house now."

"Great! Thanks, Gawin," Max said.

Gawin swiped his phone screen to cut the call and then placed it in his pocket.

"What are you waiting for," Gawin called out to Mark.

"You don't have to go with him," Neo was saying to Mark. "I can take you home in my car."

"My brother wants me to go home with Gawin," Mark explained regretfully to Neo.

"And is that what you want to do?" Neo searched Mark's face.

Mark looked away with a guilty expression on his face.

"I'll see you again another time," Mark said, as a way of saying no to Neo.

Neo watched in disappointment as Mark turned around and started walking towards Gawin's car.

Mark felt excited once more as he got inside Gawin's new very sleek silver Chevrolet Corvette. Mark could feel the power of the car and the smoothness with which Gawin drove it.

Gawin turned to Mark.

"I hope you have not forgotten about your promise to watch a mystery thriller movie with me tomorrow night," said Gawin, putting his focus back on the road.

"I thought it was day after tomorrow," Mark said.

"Oh, yeah, yeah, sorry I forgot," said Gawin. "I thought it was for tomorrow."

"No, you said day after tomorrow, grampa," Mark said in a teasing tone.

"I'm not too much older than you, kid," Gawin said, turning a bit red at being called grampa by Mark.

Soon they were back at Mark's house.

"You wanna come in for some tea or coffee?" Mark offered before getting out of Gawin's car.

"Sure," Gawin quickly accepted the offer.

Max met them at the door.

"What did you want me to help you with?" Mark asked, his face full of concern.

Max winked at Gawin.

"I need you to make some coffee for me," Max replied. "And for as long as Gawin is here, I might as well invite him to have coffee as well."

Mark stared wide eyed at his brother.

"I'm so gonna kill you," Mark said angrily.

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