Chapter 29

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

Mark's POV

My heart started racing when I felt Neo lift me off the couch and started walking towards his bedroom. I clung tightly to his neck as he made his way there and then gently placed me onto his bed.

Suddenly I felt like I shouldn't let things go this far.

I felt guilty about letting Neo make love to me when he was still committed to someone else.

His face was just inches from mine when I blurted out, "When are you going to see Louis again?"

He froze and got speechless for a good ten to fifteen seconds.

I was sure that he had not expected me to ask that question, especially not while I was lying on his bed and he was getting ready to kiss me.

When he recovered, he said, "Louis and I are no longer together."

Suddenly? I found that hard to believe.

"Since when?" I asked, and waited for whatever lie he was going to tell me.

He straightened up and then moved to lie beside me.

I sat up and leaned against the headboard of his bed. He did the same.

He stayed quiet for a little bit. I continued to sit upright and waited for him to say something.

Finally he spoke up.

"It's been a while now," he replied. "A week and a half I'd say."

"That's not a while," I corrected him. "That's very very recent."

He did not say anything after what I just said.

To break the silence, I said, "You must be hurting. I shouldn't have brought Louis up in our conversation."

"Yes, you shouldn't have," he said.

Unbelievable. He had the nerve to agree with me.

But then he followed it up with, "I just wanted to focus on you today. I don't want to think about Louis, especially not when you are with me."

"Why did you break up?" I wasn't ready to let go of Louis yet.

I heard him try to stifle a sigh but it came out anyway.

"He broke up with me because I called him a whore," he said.

"Why the hell would you say something like that to him???" I couldn't help raising my voice at him.

"I said it in a fit of jealous rage," he tried to explain.

I waited for the rest of his explanation.

"I called him one evening and someone answered his phone for him. That person said that Louis was not available to take my call because Louis was taking a shower," Neo's voice took on a bitter tone which I did not fail to notice.

I kept quiet and waited for him to continue his story.

"I told that person to tell Louis to call me back as soon as he stepped out of the shower. While I waited for Louis to call me I could not decide whether to hurl every object I could take hold of against the wall or to go speeding on the motorway until I crashed into a lamp post," Neo said bitterly.

I ventured to look at his face. He was looking straight ahead as if reliving the whole painful experience.

"When he finally called me back, the first thing that I said was 'Who are you sleeping with, you whore?' "

I gasped. The anger in his voice scared me.

I quickly got out of bed and rushed to the living room, looking for my shirt that I had tossed on to the carpet earlier. I didn't care that it was still slightly wet.

Before I could put my shirt back on, Neo grabbed my wrist.

"What are you doing?" he demanded an explanation for my sudden action.

"I don't think..." I had started to say.

Suddenly he set my wrist down and enveloped me in his arms.

He cradled my head with one hand, pushing my face gently into his chest.

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