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Thursday, August 17th, 2023

*Third Person POV*

"Alright, we're here." Colby says putting the truck into park.

Maya looked up from the third book of a trilogy she was reading that was a helpful distraction for some of the ride to look at her Apple Watch, seeing as it read 11:23 pm. She smiled looking up to see the two-story house that she had only viewed in photos and videos that Colby sent her. She placed her bookmark in her book, leaving behind the chapter of Belly and Jeremiah talking about why he almost missed their wedding.

Colby got out first, letting Dexter out and free roam the front yard to use the bathroom. Maya puts her book into the small backpack full of things for her and Colby to do during the long car ride. She sends a quick text to her dad and to Alyssa that they made it before getting out. She opens her door and steps out, stretching her back and legs out. She turns around to take a look at the surrounding neighborhood only to notice the light of the city of Las Vegas sparkling in the distance since they sat just on the outskirts of it.

She turns back around seeing the front door open and decides to head in. But before she can step a foot in, Colby pops out and scoops her up bridal style making her gasp in surprise. "What're you doing?" She giggles wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I'm carrying my beautiful girl into the first house we're sharing." Colby cheekily smiles stepping through the doorway.

"Colby, we're not married." She laughs as he twirls them around and then finally sets her down in the middle of the living room.

"Maybe not, but come on, it was romantic."

"And you know I'm a sucker for a hopeless romantic moment," she says pulling him down for a short sweet kiss.

She takes a look around. Although she knew the layout of the house from the FaceTime calls with Colby wandering around the house, she still took in every detail. A bark distracted her and she looks around for Dexter. "Where'd he go?" She asks.

"I'm not sure, but it sounded like he was upstairs." Colby says walking up the steps with Maya behind him. They walk around checking in Sam and Kat's room first and notice it was empty, leaving Colby's room to be the only other option. They head in and see Dexter already sprawled on Colby's bed, making himself at home.

Maya and Colby laugh at the scene in front of them. "I guess he knew which one was yours." "Yeah, I guess so."

"So I barely use my desk since we work on our videos in a separate room together so it's all yours for your schoolwork and such. We can get another one so you can set up your podcast too when we're back." Colby explains as Maya nods.

Maya walks past Colby and sits next to Dexter on the bed to pet him. He rolls over, wanting belly rubs, which Maya gladly gave him. She looks up at Colby, "Umm, can you grab his bed from the truck please?"

"Sure. Is there anything else you want to bring in?" Colby asked.

Maya thought for a moment, "No, all my electronics boxes are in the back on the floorboard so they should be okay for the night as long as we lock up the truck. And I'll just grab clothes in the morning."

He nods and walks up to her, "Okay," he places a kiss on her lips. "I'll be right back." He turned and headed out of the room.

She lays back on the bed with her feet dangling off the side and looks up at the ceiling, still rubbing Dexter's belly. She could feel her body was tired. She couldn't really sleep during the roadtrip, maybe a couple of hours each day, but for the most part, the feeling of constantly moving didn't let her get the rest she needed. But she also felt gross since she's been in a car for the last 2 and a half days.

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