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*Colby's POV*

"Bye Kris! Thanks again for coming by. It was fun." I say giving my friend a hug.

"It was! It was amazing seeing you guys again," she says as she goes from hugging me to hugging Sam. When she releases her hug from Sam, she turns to Kat and gives her a hug, "Kat. It was lovely to see you again."

"It was great seeing you too! And I'm sorry for being late to the party. I just had some things to take care of." Kat says.

"Don't worry about it. I completely understand." Then Kris turn towards Maya. "I am so happy I got to meet you. And before Celina!" She says making us all laugh as she brings Maya in for a hug.

We all say our goodbyes to Kris and Jay and head back into the house.

"What're you ladies planning on doing while we edit?" Sam asks as we start heading to the office space with the girls following.

The girls shrug. "We'll probably go over photos from the photoshoot and ideas for my projects." Maya explains.

We chat for a few minutes and separate, Sam and I going into the office space where we set up our editing station. And Kat and Maya going upstairs to one of our rooms. Before we start editing what we have left of the Conjuring series, Sam turns to me and asks, "When were you thinking of doing your introduction video of Maya?"

I think for a moment. "I want to do it tonight. So when we decide we've had enough with editing for the night, I'll probably just stay behind and set up the camera and say what I want to say."

I could see Sam smiling out of the corner of my eye as I pull up the project. I look over at him. "What?"

"Nothing, I just," he pauses, "I'm glad you found your match. That's all."

"Thanks man. It feels good you know." Sam nods understanding what I mean.

"I might need your help however. In the video I want to put a montage of moments that I have of Maya."

"Yeah for sure. We can work on it in a couple days." He suggests. I nod as we start going through our footage of the week at the Conjuring house.

Almost 6 hours later, we were getting tired of editing. We're maybe halfway done going through all the footage but it's still a long process to go. "Alright, well, it's almost midnight so imma head up to bed." Sam says standing alright.

"Alright man, sleep good." I nod my head as I save the project's progress but not exiting out of it. I hear him leave the room, closing the door. I take a deep breath, pulling out the camera and set it up beside the monitor. I switch on a light nearby so the light is better on my face. After adjusting the focus a bit, I hit record but it takes me a minute to actually say anything as the nerves start to build up.

"What's up guys? It's Colby Brock. Welcome back to my channel." I say calmly with my hands connected in my lap as I lean forward in the computer chair. "Long time, no see. Literally. I think it's been I think 2 years since I last posted on this channel, not including the music video." I pause for a moment, "I know I said that I would still post and it wouldn't be too long of time between the videos but," I let out a deep breath, "I'm human. I have been busy, along with Sam, trying to put together the best content we can for your guys. But that's not why I'm here today."

"I told you guys that I wanted to stop making videos on here because I was more passionate about Sam and I's channel and the videos we make. But as of the last year or so, I've found a new passion in my life and I wanted to share that on here because I thought it was more appropriate."

"This passion comes in the form of a person, and if you haven't guessed by now, it's my girlfriend." I smile just thinking of her. It takes me a minute to compose myself before I continue. "A lot of you guessed it months and months ago, I have a girlfriend that I have kept a secret about. And some of you have even figured out who she is because you've heard her name on the live stream and have compared how she looks based on what I've posted to her Instagram. Ummm. We met back in July of last year but we didn't become official until January 1st of this year. So we have been together for almost 8 months. 8 months. And I'm now finally introducing her to y'all."

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