Chapter 3: Pihu Holmes

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I am back with this story. As promised, here is the update. So enjoy, comment and vote. If you like it, please do follow for updates.



"Thief?" echoed in the living room.

Pihu's eyes searched Jeet's face for the truth. There was an awkward silence. All the elder's eyes were on Jeet while Jeet was looking at the twins with fear.

"I am not a thief." At last, Jeet broke the silence.

"Oh really? So why do you have Shubho's camera in your bag right now?" sarcasm dripped with Kailash's words. Aroop held Kailash's shoulder to warn him.

"Maybe there is a misunderstanding." Aroop piped in. He was trying to diffuse the hostile situation.

"No baba, this is no misunderstanding. If you do not believe us, then check his bag. He has a camera in it with Shubho's name on it." Palash said, jabbing a finger towards Jeet's bag. Jeet held his bag tightly to his chest.

"NO, this is my camera....." Jeet tried to defend himself, but somebody swiftly snatched his bag. He turned to see his bag dangling in Kailash's grip.

"KAILASH!" Dipu masi bellowed to warn Kailsh against the sheer rudeness he was demonstrating. Kailash and Palash, as if in oblivion to Dipu masi's warning, opened the zip of the bag. Palash rummaged into the bag and pulled out an expensive-looking camera. He took the camera to Aroop. By now, Sudeep and Beena also stood beside Aroop.

"Look baba, Shubho's name is written here." Palashed pointed towards a white tag at the base of the camera. A neat "Shubho" was written in Bengali on the label. Pihu wanted a peek, too. She stood on a chair to look closely at the tag. She had a look of disappointment on her face. She still could not believe that Jeet could be a thief. Her eyes searched for Jeet. Jeet, all this while, was standing like a statue. His eyes were swimming in tears. She could see his fisted hands gripping the side of his trousers.

"I...I.." He stuttered.

"I what? Baba he is an orphan. He lives in the orphanage in the next block. Where will he get the money to buy such an expensive camera?" Kailash said with spite in his voice. Jeet now was shaking like a leaf.

"Jeet", Sudeep's voice rang in Jeet's ears. He lifted his eyes to meet Sudeep's eyes. All he could see was disgust in Sudeep's eyes for himself. "Leave. We will let you go this time, but the next time, we will drag you to the police station. Do you understand?" Sudeep warned him. He handed Jeet his bag. "And stay away from Pihu."

With the warning, Jeet broke into a run. He bolted out of the twin's house and was out of sight. All this time, Pihu stood at the back of the table with tears in her eyes. Something in her heart could not accept the whole situation.

Pihu felt restless for the next couple of days. Whatever happened that day was very traumatising for her. Her mind could not deny what she witnessed that day, but her heart said otherwise. Pushing all these thoughts away, she knocked on the door of Dipu masi. Her eyes caught the nameplate at the entrance - "Mukherjees". She smiled at the surname. If luck has it, she will also be a Mukherjee. Her teenage thoughts were interrupted by Dipu masi.

"Aii Pihu, what are you looking at?" Dipu masi asked with a confused expression.

"Nothing masi", Pihu replied with a sweet smile. She entered the living room, followed by Dipu masi. Pihu gently placed the bowl she was carrying on the table.

"Masi, Ma sent this prasad. We went to Kalighat yesterday." She paused, apparently contemplating something. "I prayed for Akash da." She said with a tainted cheek. Dipu masi found this very cute.

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