Chapter 12: My Pihu

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Dear Lovelies,

"This chapter is a bit VIOLENT. Readers are suggested to exercise CAUTION AND OWN DISCRETION."

Since the warning is done, I request that my lovelies let me know your views and suggestions and take on this story. I want to be better with every chapter, and so I need your help to do so. 



"She has a BOYFRIEND?" Kabir was losing it by the second.

"Kailash, please control. This is not the time to lose your temper." Jeet tried to calm the raging Kailash. Meenakshi was shivering behind her mother. Meenakshi's father stood in front of his family like a shield.

"Temper Jeet? Are you talking about temper? That chingri (Prawn) is NOT even a teenager." Kailash bellowed. Meenakshi's father stepped back a bit. Kailash turned towards the scared little girl and glared at her. "Where does this Puchan live?" He demanded.

"I...I d..don't know", Meenakshi shook her head. Kailash kept glaring at the poor soul. "I...I really don't know." Meenakshi tried to put on a brave face. Suddenly, she was shoved behind her father.

"That is enough" Her father's voice came with an ultimatum. Kailash wanted to retort, but Jeet held his arms tightly. He shook his head a Kailash.

"Yes, yes...we will take our leave." Jeet forced a sweet smile and dragged Kailsh towards the gate. "Thank you..." Jeet was cut short by a tug on his trousers. He turned back to look at Meenakshi, holding his pants in a fist.

"Jeetda, I swear I told her to avoid that man." She murmured. Her eyes held fear - fear for her best friend. " I told her that he is evil..." she continued. "...but she wouldn't listen to me." This confession alarmed both boys and Meenakshi's parents.

"Man?" Kailash tilted his head. "How old is Puchan?" He asked calmly, but Jeet held his fisted hand firmly.

"I..don't..." Meenakshi hesitated. "..he is like Akashda. He has his own bike. He once said that he is done with his studies." She said slowly after giving it a thought. Kailash's jaw clenched tight. Jeet's eyes widened. Meenakshi felt her father's hand on her shoulders. He did not stop her from talking but wanted to protect his daughter. "Tima would go to the colony behind the railway station often." She paused for a while to gather her thoughts properly. "I..I had followed her once."

"Thank you, Meenu." It was Kailash this time. He gave a light pat on her head and twitched his lips in a small smile. The boys walked out of the gate briskly. "You wait here. I will get the car." A very focused Kailash said.

"No. Wait, Kailash." Jeet interrupted. They were standing in the middle of the road. "Listen, I think we should inform Aroop mesho..." Jeet was cut short by Kailash.

"Do you know what danger she is in right now?" Kailash gritted his teeth. "If this is a case of human trafficking, we have already lost the golden twelve hours. With every passing second, Tima is sliding out of our reach." Kailash lashed out at Jeet. It was beyond his understanding how Jeet could maintain his composure.

"I know Kailash, but we should inform Aroop mesho and head for this place." Jeet tried to make an agitated Kailash understand. " Backup is always good." Kailash pulled his phone out of his pocket, dialled his father's number and handed the phone to Jeet.

"Tell him everything. I will get the car by then." Kailash sprinted towards his house. It took him ten minutes to pull over in front of Jeet. Jeet was hanging up the call when he saw Kailash in his car.

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