Chapter 7: Promise

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Dear Lovelies,

I need to know whether I am using too much Bengali in my story. Please let me now. Please enjoy. Also shout out to



" hence proved." A distressed Jeet concluded. He was sitting under a banyan tree with books and notebooks all around. Pihu sat right across him. She picked up the notebook Jeet had just scribbled on and inspected the content.

"This is so complicated." Pihu frowned. She forced the notebook shut and banged her forehead with it. "I am going to fail." Pihu, for the tenth time, went into a panic. Her braided hair was flying all around. Her shoulders were hunched forward in surrender. "I really can't do this." She sighed, but the next moment, a painful shriek escaped her lips. Jeet had just smacked her head with a hardbound book. "Why would you do that?" She glared at him, rubbing the back of her head.

"Why would you give up so easily?" Jeet retorted.

"Because this is not my bhar of cha. (Cup of tea)" She said as she started packing her books. "Maths flies over my head. I can't do this." She declared. Jeet narrowed his eyes and tilted his head.

"What will you tell Akashda when he comes tomorrow ?" Jeet asked with a sarcastic smirk on his face. " That you failed your mathematics test?" He shrugged his shoulders. A look of horror crossed her face as she stopped mid-packing. She turned to face her best friend with an "I will kill you" look. She slowly and unwillingly retook her notebook and books from her bag. She made a weird face at her best friend and buried her face in her books. "Naika...(Slang for Drama Queen)"

As Jeet had predicted two years ago, there was no need to keep Pihu away from boys. During these two years, while Jeet was preparing himself for the cruel, cruel world and also the medical entrance exam, Pihu was cruising through life. She was solely focused on her love for her Akashda. She would study to impress her Akashda. Her whole universe revolved around Akash. Every summer, Akash would come home, and the kids would brave the sticky heat of Kolkata to have fun. They would visit zoos and planetariums. They would run wild at Maidan and enjoy the cool summer evening breeze at Pricep Ghat. It was the best time for the kids, except Durga Puja, of course.

"You know I learned to cook Payesh. (Milk pudding also called kheer.)" Pihu said with a stupid smile on her face. She had been studying the whole day. It was more like Jeet had "kidnapped" her. This was something that usually happened before Pihu's tests. Jeet would "kidnap" her and drag her to his orphanage after school. They would sit together, and Jeet would tutor her.

" if you learnt it for me." Jeet jibed at her. "Why would he ever look at you?"

"Because I am pretty." She batted her lashes playfully.

"No, you are a Pechi (Owl)", Jeet retorted. A red pen came flying towards him, which he dodged easily. He stuck his tongue out at his best friend. Both the kids broke into fits of laughter.

"Ki re Pihu, aren't you going home?" A voice caught the duo's attention. Shubh was on his bike at the gate of the orphanage. The sight of Shubh irritated Jeet, but he composed his expression. "Come, I will drop you." He offered.

"Ok...." Pihu chippered. "I will just go say bye to Nandinidi." Pihu sprinted inside the Orphanage. The boys nodded, but as soon as she was out of sight, both had hostile faces. Jeet walked slowly towards Shubh.

"I know what you are doing." Jeet glared at Shubh.

"And what am I doing exactly?" Shubh shrugged his shoulders. Jeet stared at Shubh for a while and chuckled.

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