Chapter 9: Break Your Bones

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So, a new chapter in Pihu's life starts with this chapter. Read, vote, comment and follow. 




The pain was the only emotion Pihu felt lately. Days passed, and night fell, but pain was her only constant. She would curl up like a baby and cry on her pillow all night. She would stay in her room all day and cry. It had been ages that she had smiled. The pain was eating her up from inside, and nobody knew except...

"Pihu, please open the door." Jeet knocked on the door several times. "Pihu, please..." He knocked again, but there was no reply from the other side. He sighed and placed his forehead on the door. He would come to Pihu's place after school every day to cheer her up. Some days, he can get a smile, but the other days, he watches her shatter from the inside.

What everyone thought to be an innocent crush was passionate love. Pihu, after coming back from the school trip, fell sick. She was rushed to the hospital, where, after several days, she was diagnosed with Dengue. She had to stay in the hospital for another week. Even after five whole months, she never recovered from the heartbreak. Everyone thought that the weight loss and weakness were due to the after-effects of Dengue. Only Jeet knew that she was mourning the death of her dreams.

"Pihu, shon na (Listen please), I am going to Collage Street to get some books. I will need your help. Aayi naa (Come please), please." He tried to sound in desperate need. The only thing Pihu would not ignore in this mess is Jeet's needs. The door of the bedroom opened slowly. Jeet could hardly recognise the girl standing in front of her. Her eyes were puffy. Her face was drooped and dull. Her ankles were showing bones. Jeet stepped inside the bedroom and pulled her into a hug. He held her tightly to himself. Pihu could not contain herself anymore.

Pihu's violent sobs turned into heart-wrenching wails. They were alone in the house, so Jeet let her cry to her fill. Both of them sat on the floor as Jeet held her tight. Pihu kept crying in his chest. She would sometimes clutch his shirt tightly, sometimes rubbing her chest to try and soothe the pain. Nothing seems to work. All she could feel was mind-numbing pain. A lone tear rolled down Jeet's cheeks as he caressed her back.

It took him some time to pull her up and tuck her into her bed—the exhaustion too over her as she drifted asleep. Jeet just sat there, patting her softly as she slept. Her innocent face reminded him of Akash's words. She was emotionally suicidal. Not long ago, he used to idolise the man, but with every passing day, he hates the man with passion.

"Jeet?" Pihu's mother peeked into her room. "Is she asleep?" She asked. Her face was marred with worry. Jeet nodded as he covered her with a duvet. "Jeet, can I talk to you?" She asked again. Jeet nodded and walked out of the room.

Pihu's mother signalled Jeet to sit on the couch as she sat on the diwan. She pulled a rectangular packet from her bag and handed it to Jeet.

"These are the books you wanted." She said with a sad smile. "I hope you are preparing well. You only have six months left." Jeet could sense that she was trying to ask him something but was hesitant. He decided to be patient and just nodded his head.

"Jeet..umm." Beena hesitated a bit. "Jeet baba, please tell me the truth." she decided to be blunt. "Is she like this because of Akash?" She asked, pointing towards Pihu's room. However stupid it was, Jeet was under the "best friend code promise," as Pihu called it. He was not supposed to spill the beans and let Pihu suffer alone. He just lowered his head and kept mum. Beena, for once, understood what was going on.

The November night was chilly. The comfort of the banket brought peace to Pihu's father's heart and mind. The peace did not last for long. In the middle of the night, he was wakened up by muffled sobs. He got up and supported himself on his elbow. He realised that his wife's body was shaking with sobs.

"Benu?..." He called her. His call was replied with a silent sob.

"Benu...What's the matter? You are scaring me now." He said. He turned her towards himself. Beena's eyes were puffy and red. "Since when were you crying?" He asked. His eyes scrunched. "What happened?" Beena just shook her head, but knowing her husband very well, she knew he wouldn't give up. He handed her a glass of water. Both sat facing each other on the bed. Sudip's eyes roamed all over her face as she drank the water.

"Now tell me. Why are you crying?" He asked as he took the empty glass from her hand.

"Pihu.." Beena managed between her dying sobs. Sudip rubbed her back to calm her down. " When I came back from bajar (Market) today, I...I heard Pihu wail. When I rushed in, I saw Pihu wailing in Jeet's arms." She still had tears in her eyes. " She was in pain all this time...and...we had no idea." Beena broke down in tears again. It took Sudip a while to calm her down. "A..and Tima...even she behaves strangely nowadays. She talks back and doesn't listen to me..." A mother's pain was apparent in her voice. "I don't know where I am going wrong." she broke down completely with that. Sudip just patted her head as she cried in his arms.

" are doing your best," Sudip whispered in her ear. Beena pulled back slowly and sat straight. Sudip offered his glass of water to her. "Our children are growing up. As a parent, Binu, we want to shade and protect our children..." Sudip sighed. "...but they have to fight their own battles. We cannot shield them from suffering. All we can do is stand with them in thick and thin." He wiped her tears with the back of her fingers.

"But...why my children?" She asked.

"Because they will grow up to become beautiful people," Sudip replied. "Now you need to rest, my beautiful wife." He kissed her forehead and cuddled her to sleep.

"Hey.." Pihu was startled by the sudden intrusion. Shubh was standing behind with his lopsided smile. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I was waiting for Jeet." She stated. She had tried to force herself to smile but eventually gave up. Both of them were standing in front of the school gate.

"Okkkk...." Shubh dragged the "k". Both of them stood in silence for a while. "Pihu, you are beautiful." Pihu was taken aback by the sudden compliment. She craned her neck to look at Shubh. "I thought you should know." He shrugged his shoulders. "Also..." He bent to match her eye level. " need to stay healthy. You can only fight when you are healthy." he smiled. Pihu, after a very long time, found herself smiling. "Awww...look at that beautiful smile." He teased, and Pihu's smile widened.

"Pihu..." Jeet stood in front of the gate, witnessing the exchange. Pihu and Shubh looked at him. Pihu's lips still had a faint smile. "Shall we walk home?" Pihu nodded. All three walked towards Pihu's home. Pihu was waking a few feet ahead of the two boys. She halted a bit and turned towards Jeet.

"Jeet do you have ten rupees?" She asked. Jeet nodded with a questioning look on his face. "I want to have phuchka." She replied, pointing towards a roadside vendor. Jeet immediately shoved his hands inside his pocket and pulled out a fifty. "Thank you." Pihu smiled. Both the boys were happy that Pihu was eating something willingly, even if it was junk food.

"Shubh..." Jeet whispered, still looking at Pihu. Shubh replied with a hum. "I will help you reach her heart, but if you ever break it, I will break all your bones." He promised. 

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