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As soon as the first ray of sunshine appeared on the horizon the two women began to climb the streets of the city towards the majestic palace of Daenerys Targaryen, a long walk full of sighs and grumbling due to the condition of the road of the place, a terrible condition, although it was already undergoing repairs. Athena was a very observant woman and knew that on every street they walked, the looks focused on the two women and would soon draw the attention of the military, military who were ordered to protect and serve the local population.

"What are your business here?" One of the Unsullied asked, blocking access to the end of the street.

"We came here to have an audience with Daenerys Targaryen, tell her that there are very important issues about Westeros to be addressed, say that who is here is the Red Priestess and the Priestess of Hitad" Melisandre replied without hesitating in the tone of voice for a single second.

They waited patiently as one of the soldiers moved to another place, probably going to notify Queen Targaryen of the somewhat unusual presence at the door of her "home". Surely they would have a meeting with a woman with silver hair, it would not be the longest meeting because of the observers in the shadows but it was already a beginning, a very important and necessary start. Athena blinked her left eye hard as she remembered the characters who would be present from the current moment, and this left a bitter taste.

"Don't be intimidated by the master of whispers," Athena warned before the soldier returned, "he doesn't like those who wear magic, be very careful with him, this is serious Melisandre."

The soldier returned and whispered in the ear of one of his colleagues and the weapons that were raised soon bent down. One of them made a sign indicating that it was for the two women to follow the man, and so it was done. Concern was what drove Athena's thoughts, she did not know if Missandei remained the same person and if Daenerys also continued with the same traits of the books and the series, and at every step and every corridor that they crossed the nervousness and the feeling of danger took over.

"Are you ready?" Athena asked.

"Always!" Melisandre replied as soon as they stopped in front of the huge doors of the throne room, a simple wooden door.

"You are in the presence of Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, Rightful Heir to the Iron Throne, Rightful Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, The Mother of Dragons, The Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, The Unburnt, The Breaker of Chains." Missandei announced as soon as the big doors opened.

And there she was in all her glory, sitting with her head held high and a look as sharp as a scalpel with a diamond tip, it was a questioning, curious and slightly hostile look, if she had ever heard any rumor. Next to her was Missandei, Tyron, Varys and at the beginning of the staircase was Commander Grey Worm.

"The Red Priestess, what a beautiful surprise, her reputation is remarkable" Varys exclaimed in a sarcastic tone, deliberately ignoring Athena "What made you leave Westeros, your goal didn't work, so did you come here? To try to manipulate Daenerys?

"Are you accusing her of manipulation? Soon you Varys? It's even ironic that, coming precisely from you, from the man who helped King Aerys II go crazy even faster, that he was no longer good, that everyone knew! But... you contributed by telling every gossip, every whisper about the slightest criticism of his government." Athena interrupted with a smile full of teeth but clearly hostile "So if I were you I would be silent, very quiet because you have no morals."

This information caught Daenerys off guard since she never knew of such events, she completely repudiated the acts of her father, but this information was not made to be taken lightly. According to the speeches of the Priestess of Hitad, it was a betrayal confessed with all the letters, a very serious betrayal against the Targaryen house, punishable by death if it were true and Varys knew it, his cowardly expression denounced it.

"You see, not even a sound comes out of your mouth, I challenge you to call me a liar, I challenge you to have me arrested. You don't know me, and I don't even want you to know me, but don't try to be better than anyone, everyone here is pawns, vassals of a cruel game, a game that takes everything away from us!" Athena completed furious with the man's attitude "We came here to have an audience with Daenerys Targaryen, not with you or with the Lannister" She pointed to Tyrion "Majesty, I humbly ask for a private meeting only with you, with Missandei and with the Grey Wormaid"

"You can't demand anything from anyone sorceress," Tyrion shouted.

"And you can't bark commands, you're not the king!"

Before Melisandre could intervene, a hoarse and imposing voice completely cut off the discussion, the voice came from the queen who looked at the whole conversation seriously. If it was Daenerys' attention that the two women wanted, they had what they wanted from the beginning because now the ruler was attentive to every word.

"I grant the meeting, we will meet at this very moment in my quarters to discuss these issues. I want maximum privacy regardless of the subject and I trust you so you don't violate my desires!" Daenerys said, lying about the last part to herself, because she knew that they would try to approach her quarters "Welcome to my house, Red Priestess and Priestess of Hitad."

Just like the queen said, it was done. Everyone involved in the meeting walked together through several long corridors and climbed a few stairs at some point, walking quickly towards "one of the" rooms of Daenerys, as this was a room only for meetings, private meetings and was very little used. Daenerys was intrigued by the reasons that brought Melisandre to her, because it didn't make sense, the woman had allies in Westeros, powerful politicians, but she still came to the dragon queen to give some message.

Daenerys was curious and distressed, because the words of the Priestess of Hitad were at least alarming, if their veracity was proven, this represented a snake in the royal court. And to the bad luck of this snake, Daenerys Targaryen had a very low tolerance for betrayals or any kind of conspiracy.

"A wrong step towards the queen and you two will be executed without hesitation!" Grey Worm spoke before opening the door of the royal quarters.

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