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The room was one of the most luxurious environments that Athena had ever seen in her life, the gold used in some decorations shone so well polished, every corner of the room seemed impeccable, the morning light provided clarity so that the guests could see everything in every detail. This whole luxury did not seem like her thing, because the paintings engraved on the walls had traces of Essos, and although she had grown there, her culture was somewhat differentiated, with valyrian and nomadic mixtures.

"I apologize if the room doesn't seem very comfortable for a meeting but this is the only room on that side of the palace, the only room that has no extra walls or has some secret passage so we didn't have many options," Daenerys said slightly uncomfortable when she noticed Athena watching every corner of the palace.

"I'm a curious woman, this room was not decorated by you, here there is no valirian or dothraki trait." Athena joked "but don't worry about comfort, we are here to talk about very important things" added when remembering the reason for her visit "Melisandre will give her message and I will give mine"

The conversation between the two women was a little time consuming, after all, this time Melisandre did not give the details that were important, some information was missing but she hoped that it would be enough for Daenerys not to send Jon Snow away from the place the moment she saw the man in front of her. Words without evidence have little or no weight when it comes to credibility with other people, and so far they only had memories and words.

"So your name is Athena?" Daenerys asked taking the woman out of her cloud of thoughts.

"Daenerys Targaryen, I think that's your name too!" Athena responded by accepting a glass of wine offered suddenly by the queen "Thank you for the wine and for having received us so gracefully in your palace, I appreciate good hospitality and good wine although I did not consume this type of drinks in my land, what I do does not allow me to drink much"

"And what do you do? Many priestesses mess with magic, what is your talent?" Daenerys asked suspicious of the woman.

"I'm a healer, but contrary to what you think, I don't use an ounce of magic, I don't use magic for two very simple reasons: I don't know how to use it and learning makes me very lazy" Athena answered bluntly to the question asked.

And that was true, magic could not be learned overnight and Athena spent six years of her life to become a doctor, she intended to use all the knowledge she had to help the people around her. Using magic was easy, the hard thing was to learn, it was as hard as putting a thread on the needle at night, your "friend" took more than three hundred years to learn everything she knows. Athena had no necklace that guaranteed her immortality and had no time to lose with a time-consuming task.

"No magic? No powers?" Daenerys asked impressed.

"Yes, without any drop of magic" Athena boasted with a wide smile showing her dimples.

Daenerys was delighted with the woman's smile, sketching a similar and natural smile, quite similar and playful to the same extent as Athena's smile. The moment was relaxed but soon the smile dissipated when Athena remembered the reason that made her be there and once again she returned to reality.

"You will need to be careful with each person outside this room, without exception, do not make a mistake by smiles, tears or sweet words. Do you understand why you're here now?" Athena asked by making something click on the heads of all those present "it's not yet time to say many things but the basics everyone here needs to know"

"What would that be?" Daenerys asked.

"Westeros is much more dangerous and full of treacherous people than you can imagine, the big houses that fight to survive will not lower their guard" Athena continued saying "The Lannister house is still very strong and influential, the current ruler will only leave the throne dead, she made so many enemies that she knows that if she does not die by your hands Daenerys, someone will kill her!"

"Don't show mercy to those who have nothing else to lose," Daenerys whispered to herself trying to understand what was being said.

"It's not about mercy, Daenerys, they are your enemies, they know you're coming towards them. Don't be naive to fall into the conversation of people who don't want to follow you but to obliterate what's left of the Targaryen house" Athena replied the woman, causing a slight fright "Your nephews died in a cowardly way without having dragons, imagine you with three of them grown up. You can't be like your father, but you can't be a ruler without a wrist either. I have some advice for you, but the decision to accept it is yours"

"I'm listening to you"

"Your advisors are not very reliable, their loyalty can oscillate to what is most convenient. Be careful when listening to people who have already contributed to the fall of your family, it would be terrible for you to end up like Rhaenyra Targaryen, they did not accept a woman 172 years ago and will die trying to put a man on the throne," Athena warned.

"Cersei is sitting on the iron throne," argued Grey Worm.

"But Cersei had to kill half the world to be sitting in that uncomfortable chair, if she hesitated they would have legitimized some of Robert's unknown son just not to crown her!" The woman responded in a sharp tone.

Daenerys had understood the little information shared by Athena, and each of them was not at all encouraging for the dragon queen, who expected something a little more positive, which seemed impossible. She would need to be a fair and strict ruler to prevent her own end, she was the legitimate queen and yet they would try to put someone in her place.

Athena proved to be telling the truth when she described with a wealth of frightening details the death of Daenerys' brother, details that no one but herself should know, this left her impressed. The words came out of the woman's mouth with a naturalness, with a lightness, and without blinking she read Daenerys' thoughts at the time of the event, her tremor was only not perceived because she hid her hands.

"Athena, since Melisandre just left" Daenerys started talking referring to the woman who chose to leave after ending her mission and saying goodbye to Athena with a hug "I was thinking, since you have no allies in Westeros and no one who will actually guarantee your health, I can offer temporary protection, it's the most I can do for a person I don't know yet"

"If I have a bed to sleep, food and the guarantee that I won't wake up with a knife around my neck without a fair judgment, then that's more than enough and I'll be very grateful for this offer," Athena replied by stealing the glass of wine that would be from Daenerys.

〘 ——✯——〙


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Additional comments: From chapter ten, we will start getting into the plot of Westeros!

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