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Daenerys was amazed at how easily Athena had a conversation on any topic, she seemed to pay close attention to every word that was said to form a concrete opinion or to complete a line of reasoning. She was amazed because it seemed so natural for the woman to talk about hours on end any topic that was discussed. The queen would be lying if she said she didn't like Athena, a feeling of friendship established in such a short time, because she had a natural charisma, an intelligence and a breathtaking smile.

The queen liked the feeling of being a ruler and an ordinary person at the same time, because she spoke with total freedom but maintained respect and sometimes even made fun of Daenerys making everyone laugh. Athena so far had not asked for any political favor or favor in anything, unlike many people around her and all they knew how to ask for were favors.

"It would be good to make a festival, a festival that will really benefit the most humble population" Athena commented thoughtfully when she finished drinking the wine "people would be happy receiving food and medical care, it will be important for them, when they realize that you can also mix with them willingly, not only as an obligation of ruler. One of the biggest mistakes of a ruler is to forget that without his people, they are absolutely nothing, it is important that they understand that this festival is not to cover up some crisis. This festival is a thank you for everyone's support and a message that good things will come, even if your reign goes through difficulties."

She understood what Athena was saying, because it was very common for several rulers to use the party as a smokescreen to cover up crises in their regencies, so that the population would forget the real culprits for hunger and basic care, thinking that that problem always existed and that it was better to conform. Daenerys was working out with the council several solutions to try to improve the lives of everyone in her government, but the problems and the corrupt did not stop emerging and she still had the shadow of a war hovering over her.

Deep down she knew it was impossible to help all people, but she struggled to reach as many people as possible and with each flawed act a voice tormented her, comparing her to the tyrants and incapable who gradually destroyed her family.

"It would be a good idea" Missandei agreed before the others could speak out, against or in favor "We will not always be able to solve all the problems but it is important to show that we are making an effort and that somehow the queen's hand will try to reach everyone"

Missandei looked at Athena with a look of complicity when she realized that the other voices would not allow the woman to continue speaking, because they disagreed with her. They needed allies, political support and evidence that Daenerys was a good queen, certainly spending everything immediately on military resources was not the best solution, they needed to ensure stability in Essos first, not just a false sense of security.

"What do you think Daenerys?" Athena asked "We are debating and in the heat of this discussion we are forgetting a fundamental opinion for this idea to be accepted or not. Be honest, with what you think about this idea, it doesn't matter if it's something good or bad."

There it was, the other difference that made Daenerys happy, the way Athena made a point of really wanting to listen to what she had to say about a certain subject and not just impose a view on it. Many politicians and nobles came to her with a demand, without many explanations, without a real dialogue and if they were not promptly attended, hell would be unleashed on the earth. She was thinking, considering and reconsidering several things in her head about the idea of the festival, it was a good idea, but it needed some adjustments, so that things would not get out of control.

"The spent money, medical supplements and food need strict control to ensure that they reach their real destination, because the corrupt and the looters still exist, in addition to our efforts" Daenerys began to say "it is important to strengthen security during this event, people need to feel safe to go out on the streets."

The conversation about the festival was animating a part of the advisors and the queen herself, since it was something big to be planned, something very big that if it worked, it would be repeated in the coming years, on the exact same date. In a short time they was discussing about the foods that would be served and the types of food that would be distributed to the population, the preference was for those that were not perishable, since they could be stored for longer.

"Throughout the week we can think of more activities to make the festival interesting, some duels, art workshops, technical workshops, among several possibilities" Athena said when stealing a piece of Daenerys' bread who stared at her indignant with the small theft "We need entertainment and things that are really useful to the population"

"What are these workshops?" Tyrion asked.

"These are spaces where knowledge can be shared in a collective sense. They are made to transmit basic knowledge about various things. The technical workshops are aimed at knowledge for work, the means of survival and one's own sustainability and the arts workshops or cultural workshops would be aimed at distraction and the educational teaching of the population"

"Amazing Athena" Daenerys applauded when listening to this suggestion.

And again the conversation continued throughout the morning and surprisingly everyone was collaborating amicably and giving their opinions to the festival. Daenerys knew that this festival would not be organized in a single meeting, but when everything was ready, all the effort would be beneficial, both she and the population would be happy with the festivity.

Soon the sun began to weaken and when the landscape was orange everyone dismissed, each one to take care of something that had been assigned to them, everyone was busy and so, only the queen and Missandei remained in the room, talking about other intimate and private matters, enjoying a time that was rare.

"She has an impressive mind, sharp and loyal to what she thinks, but she also has no problem taking orders or listening to the opinion of others, certainly, over time, she will become a fundamental pillar in the council" Missandei pointed out showing some notes she had made on a parchment about the meeting.

"It's still too early to stop offering an important position, she's becoming a good friend but it's still too early for that. I need to know before I totally trust her, if she would be really loyal to me and if being on the board is something she wants, in addition to introducing her little by little into political affairs because although she has a very good vision, she lacks experience"

"Consider this option carefully, I know you have been talking to her in recent days, over time you will find out about her loyalty and find out how to solve the rest. Just don't take too long Daenerys, regardless of your decision"

〘 ——✯——〙


I forgot to mention that there was a time jump between chapter 5 and 6, so things may be a little confusing.

What did you think of Daenerys in this chapter? I intend to make more chapters of this, not only of Daenerys but of other characters.

I feel a little insecure about my writing because I know it's not that good, but I promise I'll do my best for evolution.

From chapter 10, new questions will arise, but will only be officially presented in chapter 11. I intend to use the next 3 chapters to better develop Athena's relationship with Daenerys and other characters, I want to give a more solid and consistent layer to this.

What's your opinion about today's chapter?

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