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The huge Targaryen flag shone high and helplessly against the wind present in the cloudy waters of the ocean. They were finally leaving for their new home; they were reconquering the throne that was usurped and the lands that were plundered to their last grain of land. A Targaryen would sit on the Iron Throne and bring the justice and balance that those lands needed, in addition to saving the world from the darkest and coldest night that would fall on all of them as the coldest winter in almost ten thousand years. With all the issues of Essos resolved and the line of succession established, there would be no more reason for the conquest to be postponed.

A new government made up of reliable people had been formed; they were a group of people who would lead and protect the cities that the queen had under her control. Just as the question of who would rule in the absence of the queen had been resolved, the debate over the line of succession had also been resolved, and Viserys' daughter, who was seven years old, had been crowned as the princess of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne. Daenerys knew that they were still in the middle of a bloody war, and to protect her niece, she had ordered that the girl be under the tutelage of a noble couple who were Missandei's trusted friends, because if she said that Tquiet and Sabine were good people, she would trust the safety of her niece in them.

Many had said that she was not his niece, but when they saw the child for the first time, there was no doubt on the part of the queen that the girl was his niece. The princess who received the name of Rhaenyra was a faithful copy of the queen's older brother. Being quite similar in every trace of the girl's expressions and also by the familiar purple eyes that distinguished the Valyrian heritage of anyone, the kinship was undeniable. It was not a surprise to Athena when an egg that had been laid by Rhaegal and delivered to the girl shocked her shortly after the coronation, and that beautiful dragon had received the name Meraxes, in honor of the dragon of one of the conquerors of Westeros. Daenerys had realized with this event that her dragons would not be the last of the species for a long time, and really, the magic that allowed the lives of those beings had returned to be present in this world. She would not allow them to be extinguished again; her family would once again have all the powers they had had in the past.

The queen had taken an oath for herself and the girl by delivering the young girl to the care of Tquiet and Sabine.

"I promise you that you will never know the misery as your father and I know; I promise you that I will give you the affection of a mother as it was lacking for me and my brother. We will recover our house, and you will live life like Princess Targaryen. I will work hard so that you can inherit a peaceful kingdom and for you to be known as Queen Rhaenyra II," she had promised her niece before leaving.

After this exciting farewell, the queen had told Athena that when the order was established again, she would create the largest tournament that the two continents had ever seen to commemorate her victory and her reign. Daenerys was more determined than ever to reconquer the Iron Throne because she wanted to regain her birthright to be able to reign fully as the sole ruler. With her faith in herself and in her family, she would become what her ancestors had not managed to be; she would raise House Targaryen to such a high level that it would be impossible to achieve.

"Excited to come home? I heard that Dragonstone has one of the most beautiful castles in the kingdom; you must like your family's ancestral home." Athena said as she hugged Daenerys behind her back while hers watched the breathtaking landscape, "In a few days we will be arriving at your house. I had some Targaryen flags made. It will be good to redecorate the house."

The two women talked quietly while observing the landscape. That moment was very significant for the two women, who were close to achieving their goals. While Athena was distracted by watching the dragons fly in the sky doing some stunts, she did not realize that Missandei approached them two with a red and black book with the Targeryen house symbol on the cover. The queen gently poked her beloved so that the two could talk to her friend and find out what the book she had in hand was. Athena's eye shone when she recognized the gift she had ordered from Missandei to be able to give a gift to the queen.

"I love you very much, Missandei; you're one of my favorite people, but don't tell that to the Grey Worm!" Athena commented when celebrating as soon as she took the book in her hands, "Do you know what this is, Dany?"

"Should I know?"

"It's a gift for you; it took a lot of work, but with the help of Missandei and some books I brought from Valyria, we managed to make this book with a lot of information. It is a book about Valyria and about all the female figures of the Targaryen house and their importance and their deeds." Athena said when delivering the gift to Daenerys, "The person who most deserves the credit for the book is her friend; she was the one who wrote this book and drew the faces of all the Targaryen women who existed before you!"

Daenerys held the book as if it were the most accurate thing in the world; her beloved always knew that the queen had this empty feeling of not knowing who she was and knowing so little about her own culture and her own family. The cover of the book was the coat of arms of the Targaryen family with a metallic detail made of silver, and the cover of the book was made of red velvet. The queen flipped through the first pages of the book, impressed by the handwriting and richness of details in the illustrated drawings. She leafed through every page of the book until she reached the first female figure of great importance for the Targaryen family: Queen Visenya Targaryen.

"Visenya was a very beautiful woman, a very sharp beauty!" Daenerys exclaimed when she saw the very well-drawn portrait. "Look, look at this; it's an incredible portrait," she said when showing the portrait so famous to Athena.

Athena was amazed to see what was portrayed, but soon the admiration was replaced by shock and horror when she recognized the figure drawn in that book. The pallor on the woman's face is because she knew that the portrait was not wrong; her friend was very meticulous and a perfectionist in the things she did. The eyes were violet, but the whole face and everything else resembled a person she knew very well, well enough to shudder when recognizing the woman. Daenerys was worried about Athena's expression; she was pale as if she had seen a haunting.

"Hitad," Athena whispered to herself.

〘 ——✯——〙


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