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Grey Worm and Athena played a card game while the other members of the meeting did not arrive, and the general was surprised that she did not ignore this meeting with the guests and the other nobles. It would not be a surprise if she decided that she would not participate in this political meeting, since in recent days she did not make a point of hiding her discontent with the nobles and politicians, always making some sarcastic comment about them. So yes, it had been a surprise when he realized that she had been the first person to arrive in the meeting room.

"Athena, hiding the cards will not make you win this game. I already told you that the key to success was patience, a piece that is clearly lacking inside you." He grumbled the last part when he saw the woman return two cards to the deck of cards. "You said you wanted something that would distract your mind until the other people arrived. I warned you that you would not be able to beat me in this game so easily."

"What are you two doing?" Daenerys and Missandei were intrigued to see the two people playing an unknown game. "I thought we were the first people to arrive at the meeting, but apparently you both arrived first and still had time to play whatever that is," Daenerys said when carefully analyzing one of the cards that belonged to Athena's deck, having fun with the angry expression of her companion.

"Dany! You can't show him my letters; now he knows about a possible movement of mine in the future!" Athena complained dramatically as she took the card back and put it in her own deck. "He's almost beating me in this game, but I'm not going to give up!" She said she made a funny face when pointing at her friend, and the expression on her face made them all laugh when she noticed that she seemed to have a tantrum attack.

"Grey Worm, be kind to her," Daenerys said, giving a wink to her friend before giving a simple and tender kiss on the lips of the woman, who got her cheeks red by the demonstration of affection in public, not imagining that the queen would really show affection in public. In the eyes of all people, "Good morning, my dear princess," the queen spoke, caressing the head of Athena, who was sitting, happy to be able to share moments with her.

Grey Worm and Missandei were paralyzed, in a complete state of shock, when they witnessed this exchange of affection in public. They knew they had lost some important detail when the queen asked Athena to stay a little longer during the last night. The man lamented when thinking about the amount of gold he had lost when betting with his own partner and how long it would take for both women to take over the relationship. Since it was not a secret that the two women would form a couple, the biggest question was when they would realize that they were already united. They had bet two thousand gold coins; he bet that they would date after the war, and Missandei bet it would be before, stating that Daenerys would not wait so long after finally discovering her feelings for Athena; she would not risk dying without kissing the woman she loved. A Targaryen characteristic was impatience.

"We will have to end our game at this moment; if you two are here, it means that in a few moments the other guests will be here. I don't think it's appropriate for them to have such a quiet image of us; it's dangerous to expose our vulnerabilities; they don't trust us, and it doesn't take much to say that the feeling of distrust is returned to the same extent." He said when keeping the cards in the box where they were previously, "But I promise we'll have another one to play, and maybe I'll let you win."

The remaining minutes were spent on trivial conversations about agricultural issues and some information about movements at the queen's current seat of government. They were spending the little time they had on these rare moments of relaxation before being forced to dive into a world of bureaucracies and demands. Tensions rose silently the closer the great war approached, and they could not ignore the conflicts in Westeros, let alone the warriors who were in disguise as diplomats right under everyone's nose.

Athena adjusted the last piece on top of the map that was stretched out on the table, and the guests arrived, as predicted, without an ounce of elegance or courtesy. It deeply annoyed the woman that the envoys from the north continued to act as if this alliance were an act of charity that would save Daenerys; the men had not yet understood that the great charitable person of this story was nothing less than the queen herself. She had dragons and an almost indestructible army; she didn't need them for any conquest, and what the hell was the point of sending the whole army to battle if this would end with the dead dragon queen, her army decimated, and traitors in very comfortable and privileged positions?

REMEMBER - DAENERYS Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat