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Dragonstone was a dark place with little sun due to the huge structures that surrounded the ancestral island of the Targaryen, but it was still a majestic and very beautiful place in the eyes of anyone who had the opportunity to get to know the island in detail. When the boat that carried the queen finally docked in the port of the place, an agitation took over all the occupants of the ship, as the time had come that many had imagined, and Athena held Daenerys' hand as a way to support the queen and encourage her to take the first steps out of the ship. They were excited but knew how precise that moment was for Daenerys and how necessary it was to be able to return home after years of exile.

"The sand will not bite you if you step on it. Go; we are right behind you." Athena was encouraged by gently pushing the queen to take the first steps out of the vessel. "Welcome back to your house, Daenerys Targaryen."

Daenerys took a deep breath three times before finally putting her feet out of the boat, and when they touched the sand of the beach, she felt a great deal of pride and sadness. She had managed to go back to her house, but not even her mother or her brother were alive to be able to witness this moment. Viserys, when he grew old, had become a cruel man, but during the first years of Daenerys' life, he was a good brother. What definitely broke his spirit was to sell his mother's crown and be nicknamed the beggar king. Everything that had happened in the exile was with the aim of returning home, and now only one of them could enjoy this dream.

When the other occupants of the boat thought about leaving, Athena's arm stopped them when they noticed that the queen was crying. Daenerys never cried in public; she never showed any sadness in public, but for the first time, she allowed herself to cry in front of an audience and returned home after years of exile. At that moment, it was not the queen who was there, but Daenerys, a woman whose pain was caused by not having had a family and not having had the love of a father or a mother.

The tears she shed on the sand of Dragonstone were a representation of her mourning for what she dreamed she could never have and for the life she could have had but did not have. She wondered sometimes during the night before bed how everything would have been if her father had not gone crazy, if her older brother was not an idiot obsessed with prophecy, and if her other brother had not become a greedy bastard.

"Athena, I was told that my mother's bones were buried here in Dragonstone. I want you to find them and put them in a wooden box. Daario and Grey Worm, follow Missandei's instructions for the construction of a funeral pyre according to the customs of the old valyria." The queen ordered as she walked forward without looking back, "Before we start the plans to take the capital, I want to give a dignified farewell to the woman who gave birth to me; I want Queen Rhaella to have a funeral worthy of a Targaryen; I want to cry for the past one last time before moving on."

Viserys talked little about their mother, but on one of these rare occasions, he said that she had been hastily buried in a crypt that was below the castle, without any tradition or honor that a queen like her deserved, because they needed to escape from Robert's killers. She couldn't do much to change the past, but she could give her mother a dignified rest after so much suffering. Rhaella's loss hurt deeply in her daughter for a very unique reason: she knew that even with her mother having had a miserable life, she loved her daughter throughout the pregnancy, and she had time to name Daenerys, but fate did not allow an extra minute after the appointment, and the good queen had passed away moments later.
The pain was knowing that she was a beloved daughter, but her mother had not lived long enough for her to know it. The pain was Barristian Selmy saying that Rhaella would be proud of her daughter and that she was very similar to the queen.

While everyone was in charge of fulfilling the request made to them, Daenerys slowly wandered through the corridors of Dragonstone, releasing from the wall each flag of the Lannister and Baratheon houses that she saw on her way. Her house had spent a lot of time on the flag of traitors, and she would not allow this to happen any other day. The queen noticed that the former owners had not taken such good care of the castle because many repairs would be necessary to fix the structure of the site. Daenerys' steps were once slow, once very fast. She wandered far enough to find the throne room, the throne of Dragonstone, which, oddly enough, was the most well-lit place she had seen so far.

"I know you're following me, Stark," the queen's voice echoed through the huge hall before she sat on the throne. "Shouldn't you be helping the other men in the castle instead of spying on me?" Daenerys asked as soon as she saw the familiar white man with long, dark hair enter the room.

"As your guard is not present, someone has to make your protection until they return; we do not know if there is any trap in the castle, although they have done all the inspection before we came here," Jon replied to Daenerys as she slowly approached the throne, maintaining a respectful distance. "As everything is finished, they saw to call you."

The silence between them was a comfortable silence because they both knew that it was not a good time to force some interaction, and Daenerys was grateful for the understanding of Jon, who was silent, just observing the details of the place. And just as he had said, a certain time passed until the moment when Missandei located them to inform them that everything was already ready and that things had been done according to the queen's request. She was struggling to walk, but was helped by her best friend, who understood that for the first time, Daenerys was feeling mourning for the family she never met. The three walked very carefully to the Dragonstone courtyard, where a huge pyre was made on some rocks, and in the center of this wooden pyre rested a simple box.

"Athena, can you give me the flag of my family, please?" Daenerys asked in a low and hoarse voice as she approached the funeral pyre. "She deserves every honor; this is the closest I will get to my mother," she whispered sadly as she covered the wooden box with the Targaryen flag.

For the first time since the day she commanded her dragons, saying the word Dracarys was painful, and she wished her mother could finally rest wherever she was.

〘 ——✯——〙


What did you think of this chapter? What are your comments about this?

For some reason I felt that Daenerys deserved a chance to say goodbye to her mother and I thought it would be a great way to say goodbye to the past so she can build a future. Daenerys can cry what she had not achieved, she can cry the loss of all who are gone.

In the next chapters we will have war planning, the appearance of allies and enemies and a battle where only the gods will decide the result.

What are your expectations for the future of this story? What theories and questions do you have?

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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Thank you for reading my story, your support is very important to me.

An observation: I'm not the fastest person in the world but I'm working to correct all possible spelling mistakes! Thank you for your patience and understanding.


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