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There were only a few sail marks missing for the ship carrying the queen to disembark in the port that was improvised in Dragonstone, and the spirits of the people on the ship were very excited that they were finally reaching a part of their goal. The wind was against them, and this ended up delaying a little the arrival of all of them at the former seat of power, Targaryen. Waiting a little longer was difficult, but the queen was being patient, and her anxiety increased as she could see the huge structure built on the island. That castle was a real fortress built in the style of the Targaryen family, and with a telescope, she could visualize the huge dragons carved in an imposing way at the entrance to the island.

"How long did it take them to sculpt each dragon around the island? If from this distance it is already possible to see a part of the sculptures, imagine the real size of them when we finally get to the castle." Daenerys asked when delivering the bezel to Athena, who looked in the same direction that the queen had looked. "I bet about seven summers, at least for the magnitude of the structures."

Everyone was nervous and a little excited about the imminent arrival on the island, but they did the best they could to hide their emotions because no one wanted to overload the queen even more. In the morning, Asha and her brother had joined the ship's crew along with Jon and Daario, who also came only because of Athena's invitation and sympathized a little with the two men. She sympathized with them because it would always be good to have more people who knew how to fight if there was some assassin infiltrated in the castle; all the precaution was little.

Athena and Daenerys had begun to be trained by Grey Worm a short time ago, and the skills of one of them were already very good, but they still needed more training, and he had warned about it. Daenerys had made a point of wielding the sword that once went from Visenya to show everyone that she was as dangerous without a dragon as with a dragon. The queen's beloved wanted to bury herself under the earth, ashamed of her own skills with the sword, because while Daenerys could already participate in a fight if necessary, the former priestess had no firmness in her hand for a long time, and this makes her completely unstable in a fight using swords. Athena's fight against Euron alone did not end in a great tragedy because she had an absurd healing factor and very much wanted to return to the queen's arms in addition to being saved at the last moment by Visenya.

Even knowing that Athena could not handle a sword, the queen gave her the conqueror's dagger, a relic that Athena herself had asked Jon to bring back when she came to Essos because this dagger did not belong to the Starks, and in exchange for the dagger, they would again join the ancestral blades of the Stark house. The request was accepted, and to Athena's surprise, the queen insisted that she should wield this dagger because she should always walk with a gun to be able to defend herself. Daenerys had also already understood that her first years of government in Westeros would not be the same as her years of government in Essos.

"Daenerys, can I have a room just for myself in one of the towers? I want a room with a view of the rocky mountains and the sea," the queen's beloved wife asked, looking at her with the most pleading look in the world. "I know I will probably spend more time in your room than in mine, but I would still like to have a place just for me," she explained, relieving the confusion of the queen, who had not initially understood the request.

"The whole castle is yours if you ask me. Of course, you can have a room just for you. I will also choose a room just for me in addition to the real rooms that we will both share. You can choose the best room with a sea view in the towers." Daenerys said when she saw Athena's radiant smile that it was one of her favorite things in this world.

Athena would like to have a room to rest when she feels it is necessary to be a little alone, in addition to having a place to glue her things to do what she likes, such as painting and studying botany in her spare time. This scenario was the same with Daenerys, who would have a room for when she needed to be alone and also to put some things that were part of her activities to be distracted. The two knew that they would not spend much time away from each other, but every human being needs a place just for himself at times. The queen was already thinking about what types of very rare plants she would buy to gift Athena, who, since she had arrived in Essos, had developed a passion for studying the plants and specifications of each species.

Just as Athena and Daenerys expressed their wishes, the friends of the two women as well, and the queen liked to offer the best things to those people she loved. They were excited to make the choices for the rooms, and a total of six rooms would belong to the group, with an individual room for each one and a shared room for each couple. Discussing trivial things like this was a good solution to dispel the anxiety that was radiated by all people, both them and the guests.

"Daario, have you ever thought about how you are going to form the queen's new guard? Daenerys knows how to fight, and her skills are improving every day, but even Aegon, I had a royal guard responsible for his safety," Athena casually asked the former mercenary, who now wore silver armor and a white robe, being the first member of Daenerys' guard and also the leader of the royal guard.
"From what you told me about the whole story and who remained loyal to the Targaryen house during the period of the rebellion, I thought of choosing the next members of the royal guard in a tournament where only the great houses and their vassals who had loyalty to the reigning family could participate," he said, gaining her full attention. "The other houses cannot see this as an offense because the crown has more than reason to justify such selectivity in the criteria for choosing the people who will protect the queen."

"That's a great idea! Establish ties with those who remained loyal and raise the status of the houses unless they did not have as much recognition as they deserved. I hope you choose very wisely who will be the people who will compose the guard that will protect her," Athena said quietly as she blinked at him in recognition.

"Madam Athena..." Jon called her, and she frowned at the title he had used.

"I thought we had already passed this phase of hymn titles between us; there is no need for this among well-known people. Leave this formality to the court and to entertain the nobles!" She complained in a laughing tone, "We have so much work ahead of us that what will matter least will be the titles when we are fighting. But tell me, why did you call me?" Athena asked.

"I still couldn't thank Daenerys for authorizing this return, but I can thank you for that, for making this proposal, for helping to form the ancestral blade of my house again, and for allowing the sword to return to our house, the place where it should never have left," he humbly thanked.

"I confess that I wasn't a big fan of your father, but the queen did it as proof of good faith among our families. It will take many years to repair everything that was and will be destroyed in this war. We need  allies." Athena answered him as the two looked at the landscape: "I'm not your friend, but I'm not interested in being your enemy either."

〘 ——✯——〙


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