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Even in the most tense moments we have been through during all these years, I can say that I had never seen Daenerys like this. She seemed completely upset with anger when she questioned the soldiers responsible for the safety of the mountain where her dragons were. For a few moments, I even thought about intervening to help the commander of those troops, but the queen was not wrong in scolding them with the harshest tone possible because the explanations that came out of the man's lips were the purest absurdity. He had to thank the heavens very much that Asha, Grey Worm, and I managed to control the chaos that followed at night and in the early hours of the morning, since the rest of the Council proved useless in this task.

"I want you to explain to me how I give a direct order with very clear specifications about everything that should be done, and you "disregard" the queen's word to listen to a counselor who had a lower authority than mine. Now we have an unprecedented problem where no one has the slightest idea of what the consequences will be, and all this thanks to you and the bunch of incompentents that surround me all the time," she shouted, rising to the throne with fury. "I want you to explain this to me. I'm really very curious to hear this story. Maybe I'm too merciful not to exile you."

"We received the second order with the justification that you had changed your mind to save resources; what we were informed was that security should be halved and that the other soldiers should return to their normal positions. I made a mistake in not prioritizing your order above all my queen, but I ask you to understand my side. One of your advisers came to me with this request, and I saw no problem with him because, in my mind, none of them would ever pass over his authority." The former commander of the city guard spoke desperately, pleading at the feet of the queen.

Now she would show the reason why Daenerys was our queen—the reason why many soldiers, even though they had the option to leave, decided to follow her until the last sword fell to the ground. She was not a woman known for being a tyrant or an unjust ruler; even in the most severe punishments, the queen sought the balance of justice, unlike revenge, which many kings and emperors would never think of doing. I knew that the man kneeling in front of us would not be punished with death, nor with exile; his punishment had already been discussed earlier by me and Daenerys in a quick private meeting.

And contrary to what many people who are present will think, I did not have a finger in this decision of the queen, even if I could give my opinion freely and intervene if I wanted to, because my position with the Master of Laws gave me enough power for it. The greatest work for now, in this short space of time, was to analyze the actions of the queen and say if she had any arbitrariness or not, to avoid contestations of annoying nobles at the time of the sentence, which was the most boring part of a trial after registering the entire trial.

"For your disobedience, I remove you, Håkon, from the position of commander of the city guard, because for a military man who did not commit any heinous crime or betrayal against the crown, relegation is the greatest punishment that can exist." Daenerys announced the sentence of the man who seemed not to know if he cried with sadness or sighed with relief for having escaped an almost certain death sentence: "But for his great services rendered even before yesterday's incident, I appoint him as the corporal responsible for the second garrison that patrols the city. If you prove to me that you deserve to be promoted from office, my Privy Council will debate whether you deserve to be returned to your original position, Håkon."

From the faces of all the people present in the room, some considered this punishment very mild, others considered it very rigid and clearly disagreed, but the question was: who would be the courageous soul enough to openly question the punishment attributed by Daenerys to the soldier? The Private Council was another emergency initiative that would be responsible for the most important decisions related to military and civil affairs. With a much more restricted group and little turnover of members, it was a measure that proved necessary after the current council was proving incapable in many things.

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