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After twelve meetings, discussions and numerous debates, the festival was finally starting to come out of the paper and the city streets were gaining life and color. Men, women, adults and children, elderly and young people, were surrounded by this event that promised a lot, they were excited about the discretion of everything that would happen in the seven days of the festival, a festival aimed at the population. The distribution of food, medicines and the medical support of the population would take place during the morning, the workshops would take place in the afternoon and the festivities would be held at night, as planned in the council, so that way things would get better.

Daenerys and Athena were talking in the medical supply tent since the queen insisted on helping, not only with resources but also with face-to-face assistance. At that moment Athena was talking seriously about the responsibilities of a healer and about the care necessary to deal with sick people and about the importance of humanizing public care.

Athena, your hand is hurt" Daenerys interrupted the conversation when she noticed the wound in the palm of the woman's hand, a wound that bled little but seemed to hurt "This must have happened from the moment you stumbled and fell, how did you not feel that?"

Athena swallowed dry knowing that she needed to update Daenerys of something very important, an information that was very necessary given the fact that the queen had a slight aversion to magic and liars. She was nervous because she didn't know how to explain the story to Daenerys without looking like a crazy person, after all it's not every day that an entity blesses you with a power, a limited power and with several rules but still a power.

"The wound is healing, the healing process is slow but before we can leave the tent, it will already be completely healed," she explained shrugging her shoulders "would you believe me if I told you the truth, as fanciful as it may seem?"

Daenerys laughed.

"I have three dragons and I didn't get burned when I got into a giant fire, what could be more fanciful than that?" The queen asked with a smile "They taught me that dragons had been extinct and that a human being by touching the flames would turn to ashes or would have irreparable damage, I saw my late husband come back to life, so many things in this world are inexplicable Athena. If you tell me the truth, I won't be hostile to you"

"Do you remember that I am Hitad's priestess? And that I had commented that she was an entity that protected human beings and that I was a healer without magic?" Athena asked.

"Did you lie about having magic?"

"No, I didn't lie" Atenha said looking into Daenerys' eyes, answering her with a voice firm enough to give credibility "Hitad decided to give me the gift of healing, of using magic to help me in healing people, magic is limited and the more complex the disease or injury, I exhaust my spiritual energy. She came to visit me a few days ago and warned me that she would be the first on the list to kill me if I hurt some innocent with this magic, I gained these skills after getting here, not before..." she replied sadly.

"Was that it? Your concern?"

"Yes, I know you have a little aversion to magic, because of your past. I thought it wouldn't be right to hide this from you after stating with my feet together that I didn't use magic during my work" Athena finished the explanation, getting a pat on the head given by Daenerys.

"Idiot" Daenerys commented with a sincere smile for Athena's confession "thank you for the sincerity, I appreciate it" she completed messing up the woman's hair.

Daenerys had a kind of bitter taste because of the magic, but at no time would she take it out on someone who was not to blame and so far is only working for the evolution of things in the city. Athena was so smiling while checking every medical supply, the queen could see that she was much happier helping the population than debating political issues in a room for hours and hours.

"Well, are you excited to meet people? The soldiers said that there is a huge line with several people outside this tent, there are countless people injured, you mentioned a certain wear and tear, stop when you are not well." The queen advised worried because she had the slight impression that Athena would neglect herself.

"You can leave it, I know my limits, a dead doctor doesn't have much use Daenerys, my purpose is to save lives and help as many people as possible and I won't be able to do that if I die, so you'll still see me a lot" Athena laughed with the grimace on Daenerys' face.

After all this conversation the two began to speed up to start the service as soon as possible. The queen was really determined to help in any way she could, she not only wanted to pass on the image of being a good person, but she really wanted to help those who were her people, those who were under her flag, under her protection.

"Bandages, herbs, medicines, clean water, alcohol, poppy milk, needles and lines, clean clothes and I forgot something?" Athena questioned herself by putting her hand on her chin "I think everything is already here, we can start the services"

The first people who entered the medical tent when they were called by a soldier were paralyzed to see the queen enter, accompanied by Athena. It was one thing to see the queen in the audience or just strolling through the streets of the city, it was another very different thing to find her dressed in simpler clothes and actively helping in the care of the wounded and sick.

"The boss here is Athena, I'm just her assistant today," Daenerys replied with a kind smile as she helped the elderly couple sit down to facilitate the exams.

The wounded were with many problems in addition to injuries, poorly healed wounds and infected wounds. Some had broken bones and when the slightly more complex cases appeared she knew that it could spend a little more than the seven days predicted by the date of the festivity, to try to cure as many people as possible.

Daenerys was helping Athena masterfully, having a memorization ability that would rival the greatest geniuses in the world. She was learning the most basic concepts and some procedures just by listening to Athena speak, of course her skills were not so precise but they were enough for the queen to save her own life in some emergency.

Time passed very quickly and when they realized, it was time to close the medical consultations and prepare for the official opening of the festival and to make the announcements in the Queen's official speech. The two women were tired, dirty by soot and couldn't stand getting up from the floor when they sat down to rest and breathe.

"Your Highness?" Missandei called.

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