Water Fountain in the Kitchen! (7)

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Summary: The first days in a cramped apartment with 7 other people, what could possibly go wrong? There's never a wrong time for an umbrella!

Word count: 5.8k (Sorry?)

Warnings: Mentions of injuries, Jump scare for Y/n? Let me know if I missed any!

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The house was quiet and dark, no lights were on and little to know light was shining through the windows due to the large rain clouds littering the sky and pouring rain down on the streets, I walked into the kitchen, rubbing the sleep from my eyes, rounding the corner, I made my way over to the light switch so I could see.

Hesitating, I remembered the sleeping men on my couch and decided not to flick it on, shuffling my way back into the kitchen I switched on the small stove light instead, it flickered before illuminating a small area allowing me to see in front of me. I turned on the kettle before grabbing myself a mug, as I went to grab the milk, I heard my phone start ringing, not wanting to disturb the boys I answered as fast as I could, checking the contact it displayed.

'Feral 🦝 '


"Hey Y/n, how's it going?" Her voice came through the phone, extending the 'e' in 'hey.'

She rang me at 6:45 in the morning, to ask 'how's it going'?

"Uhh, I'm doing fine, how are you- "

"We have a problem." She cut me off, paying more attention to her voice, I noticed that she sounded nervous.

"What is it this time?" I asked her fully expecting it to be some minor problem that we could easily fix, and she had just been overreacting, not the first time it would have happened. I screwed off the lid of the milk before placing it on the counter, the kettle had gone off now so I started pouring the hot water into my mug with the tea bag already inside.

"Yunjin, Kai, Kazuha and Jongho, quit."


"They quit." She said again.

"B-but, that's half our staff! What are we going to do?" I said alarmed, but trying not to be too loud, if they've quit then there's not going to be enough staff to cover all the shifts.

"I don't know, lovey." She sighed, using her nickname for me. "They called me and sent their emails yesterday saying they were quitting."

"Crap." I huffed out as I finished pouring the milk into my mug, stirring it as she continued. "Well, we have until the rain stops to find more workers..."

Seoyeon made a noise of agreement and decided that we could both look into hiring new workers during this time off, she then went on to start telling me about how she was thinking of adding an outside seating area to the café, the café was getting so busy these days that a lot of the time we would run out of seats for the customers and they would have to stand, we didn't have the biggest building for the café, we never expected it to get overly busy so we didn't have much seating inside.

I was still standing at the table listening to Seoyeon talk while I drank my tea, it was still early morning and the apartment was still dark the only illumination being the small kitchen light, I hadn't really noticed at first, but my gaze had wandered to a specific area, too lost in conversation with Seoyeon I hadn't noticed the object I was staring at.

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