Jealous! Jealous! Jealous (15)

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Summary: Y/n wakes up surrounded by her hybrid companions who have become even more clingy since they started staying with Jisoo. Y/n searches for houses as she is unsure how to talk to the boys about it. With the two new hybrids in the house, just how clingy and touchy can the boys get?

Word count: 3.2k

Warnings: None? Let me know if I missed any!

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The sun was shining through the window and lighting up the room. I moved my hands up to rub at my eyes before breaking them open to look at my surroundings. The room was quiet, the only noise being the light breaths from myself and the others. I looked up at the weight that was pressing on my chest, already knowing what it was. The black cat was sleeping peacefully as he faced me directly, his paws tucked under him, causing him to resemble a loaf of bread. I cracked a smile at the thought. As I tried to move my head to see more of the room I felt something in my way.

Reaching up to the left side of my neck, my finger sunk into some soft fur, knowing immediately what it was, I sighed slightly, remembering how the menace of a bunny hybrid had kept crawling onto my face, over my mouth and nose causing me to wake up from lack of air, I'm pretty sure at some point Yoongi had had wacked him in the head over it because everytime I woke up it woke the sleepy cat up too.

Sinking my fingers further into his fur I picked up the chocolate brown bunny and hauled him up until I was holding him above my chest. His little nose twitched but he remained asleep as I moved him back down and onto the other side of my body. I was doing my best to not wake anyone up as it was early in the morning, earlier than I would usually wake up but my body urged me to get out of bed.

I tried to wrap one arm around Yoongi and use the other one to push myself up, but as soon as I started to get up the cat hybrid also woke up, he stood up and stretched whilst still on my chest before looking at me quizzically. I gave him a half-lidded, tired smile as he seemed to understand what I was doing, he got off me and moved over to where I had put Jungkook down, and curled up beside him.

I fully sat up now that I didn't have to worry about the other 2 hybrids. I slowly swung my legs over the side of the bed, Jimin was sitting at the foot of the bed and I quickly gave him a pat on the head before I stood up fully. I only have a small amount of space on the floor as the rest was being used by the large wolf hybrid, the panther hybrid, and the fox hybrid.

Reaching up to my hair I reached for the smallest hybrid of the bunch, Jin, who had somehow managed to make a nest-like thing out of my hair. I scooped up his small form before bringing him in front of me. I leaned over the bed to put him down between Yoongi and Jungkook. I watched as he moved around before snuggling into the fur of the two younger hybrids.

I smiled at the sight as my heart melted at how cute they were together, I had to tip-toe my way out of the room being careful not to step on any of the hybrids on the floor, I finally made it over to the door and I opened it slowly before slipping outside.

I sighed through my tiredness as I trudged into the kitchen hoping to make some tea, I spotted Jisoo standing by the bench and staring out into her back yard. The sun was rising and you could see the light emerging from behind the trees and lighting up the yard, the grass was sparkling from the morning dew and I could see flocks of birds flying through the sky.

"Morning" I mumbled in my croaky voice, I pulled open her fridge in search of milk and honey and when I found it I pulled them both out, placing them onto the bench behind me. Jisoo turned to face me as she gave me a polite smile, she didn't look like she had been awake long either.

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