House guests (14)

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Summary:  Y/n struggles to find a place to stay until a close friend offers to let her stay with her, and her two other hybrids. Y/n talks to her friend about how she's been feeling and is left with more questions than answers. Having a place to stay is great, just one thing, there's only 1 bed...

Word count: 4.8k

Warnings: Eviction, Let me know if I missed any!

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"I don't know what we're going to do." I explained to Seoyeon as I walked around to serve the customers. "I mean, there's absolutely no way I will find someplace in just 2 days."

Seoyeon stayed silent as I asked the older couple in front of me for their order, nodding as they spoke, I scribbled it down and gave them a polite smile before walking away to get another order.

"I mean, you're planning to move out anyway, right? I wish I could help but I don't have enough room for all of you." Seoyeon said, trailing behind me. "If it were just you then we could have bunked, but I don't fancy 8 other people in my bed."

I turned to face her just in time to see her grimace at the thought. I cracked a smile and laughed at her antics as I scribbled down another order before opening up the kitchen doors and pinning up the orders for the others to see.

"Yes, but I thought we would have a week or so to find some place. Not 3 days!" I exclaimed frustratedly, before quickly apologising. "Thanks, I'm sure I'll figure something out, hopefully."

As I walked back out from the kitchen the next person to walk in the front door was Jisoo, she looked around for a bit before spotting us next to the counter, her face brightened up as she made her way over to us. I smiled at seeing a good friend of mine.


Me and Seoyeon, both gave her a quick hug before we started catching up while standing out of the way of the others.

"What? You're getting evicted?" She asked, the shock clear on her face as her eyes widened and she looked at me questioningly. I grumbled and sighed before confirming the news and muttering about how we only had 2 days to find somewhere to stay.

"That's terrible Y/n." She sympathised and placed a hand on my left shoulder, pausing as the room seemed to fall quiet for a second. "You all could come stay with me until you find somewhere, if you'd like?"

My eyes widened as I looked her in the eyes with surprise on my face. My saviour.

"Really? Are you sure that's okay? There are 8 of us..." I said still holding on to hope but understanding that she may not have realised just what she had suggested.

"Yeah, it might be a bit squishy though, but I'm sure you'll all be fine." She said with a large smile on her face, her eyes creasing because of it.

"Aww thank you so much!" I reached forwards and pulled her into a hug, she had just saved me the stress of not being able to find some place in such a short time and I was so grateful that she would do something like this. "Oh, will the girls mind us staying over? I don't want to bother them."

"I'm sure they won't mind." She said, still giggling as I pulled away.

"So, it's settled then? Y/n and the boys can stay with you until Y/n is able to find somewhere more permanent." I turned to face Seoyeon before nodding in her direction. I finished talking to the girls and went back to behind the counter to make Jisoo's drink. I was practically bouncing with excitement as I went through the rest of the day, waiting until I could get everyone together to tell the boys of the news.

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