The plan (11)

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Summary: The stakeout ensues as Y/n and her friends try and catch the perp, but they underestimate the power of marshmallows and boy talk, Y/n and her boys have a run in with a rude customer and Y/n, has some explaining to do.

Word count: 3.4k

Warnings: Verbal Abuse, Name calling, Threatening, Fluff, Angst, Let me know if I missed any!!

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It had been a few days since the boys started helping out at the café and thankfully everything had been going well, I was currently waiting for Seoyeon to arrive since she had wanted to come over to 'set a trap' for whoever has been leaving these notes, I told her it was stupid and it didn't matter, but she didn't really care.

The knock at the door tore me away from my thoughts and I made my way over from the couch, the boys knew that she was coming over and they were just doing their own things, mostly playing games on the tv so I doubt they would notice us, they can get really competitive, Namjoon and Seokjin had to tear apart Jungkook and Taehyung the other night because Taehyung had won the Mario cart round between the two.

I pulled open the door to see Seoyeon and standing next to her was Jiyoon, who I was not expecting.

"Oh. Hey guys, I didn't know you were coming by too Jiyoon." I said while inviting them inside.

"I found her sitting in the lobby at one of the tables and figured she could be a helpful asset, she can be very loud, so while I'm chasing them with this bat," Seoyeon said as she whipped a large baseball bat out from behind her which made me and Jiyoon step back from her to avoid being hit by the crazy lady. "She can yell and scream at them so other people come out and they can chase them too." Seoyeon exclaimed excitedly and with a small glint in her eyes.

"A-Ah, well, why don't we just put that down and, uh-"

"Where on earth did you pull that from?" Jiyoon's exclaimed with a look of concern.

"It's a secret."

Seoyeon moved her index finger up to her lips before slowly lowering it down and turning back to me with a large smile on her face, I could see Jiyoon looking around her back obviously trying to see where it had come from.

"Right, well, I really don't think it's such a big deal." I said while walking them into the kitchen, Seoyeon slung the bag off her back, and it smacked onto the table, and it made a loud thud.

What did she put in that?

"Y/n, someone is threating you, what happens if they come into the apartment or what if it gets worse and they're a stalker or something." She kept rambling on.

"You watch too many of those damn crime documentaries, I told you to stop that." I said while rolling my eyes at her. She turned to fully face me, and she stuck her arms out and put her hands on my shoulders, holding me firmly while looking into my eyes with a serious stare.

"I just don't want anything bad to happen to you." She spoke, I stared into her eyes before breaking and letting out a sigh.

"Fine, I guess it wouldn't be great if they did manage to get into the apartment." I glanced over to the spare room were you could her the boys yelling, something about zombies and a death pit. "I don't want anything bad to happen to them."

The girls both glanced over to the room before looking back at me, but Jiyoon kept her eyes on the door.

"Yeah, them too I guess. But mainly you."

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