The betrayal (13)

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Summary: Y/n finds out who has been slipping those threatening notes under her door and tries to teach them a lesson, but why do they boys stand in her way? With the new revelations Y/n thinks of a way for them to move forward. As if times couldn't be worse for Y/n, she receives a letter from the building.

Word count: 4.5k

Warnings: Swearing, Slight violence, friendship fallout, Insults, Argument,Let me know if I missed any!

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"Oh, Jiyoon's letters that she sends to you? It's really nice of her-" He began to explain again thinking that the notes were for us to stay in touch even though we are busy with our lives, I cut him off before he continued.

"Y-You've seen her slipping letters under my door?" I asked him in disbelief, hoping that he had just mistaken her for someone else or what she was doing. My shoulders had gone slack, and my arms dangled by my side, just barely keeping a grip on the various prizes I had in my hands from the night we had.

"Yeah? I was confused at first and I didn't realise who it was, but when I got closer, I saw it was just her." He laughed light heartedly, not realising that my own had started feeling stiff and heavy, the muscles around it starting to ache and my stomach starting to churn as he kept talking. "When I asked her about it, she told me all about it, how you both send each other letters since you have busy schedules."

My throat felt like it had closed up, my chest in pain as it felt like my heart was screaming. There's no way. He has to be wrong. She wouldn't do this. I felt like a heavy box was being pressed down on me and I stared at the floor, thinking it over, time seemed to slow as the realisation that the answer was in front of me the whole time. The notes never came on Fridays, Jiyoon has late lectures on Fridays. When Seoyeon was telling me about how Jiyoon didn't have any magazines in her apartment, or how she stared at the boys when they came over. No one delivered a note last night because she was in my apartment.

"Wait here." I stuttered out as I handed all the prizes to Yeonjun, he struggled to grab hold of them all as I had basically shoved them into his chest. Thankfully the elevator had great timing, so I slipped in and pressed my floor. I looked up at the others as I saw Jimin go to step forward and open his mouth.

"All of you stay here." I demanded them as the elevator doors closed in front of me. The metal box started moving up to my floor as I felt the anger boiling inside of me mixing with the feeling of betrayal. I knew she'd be home at this time, and I was going to get those notes to show her, there was no way it wasn't her, and I was going to get her to admit to what she was doing to us, to me.

I ripped open my door and rushed in, swiping the notes right off the table then rushing straight back out the door, slamming it behind me and stuffing the notes into the jacket's pocket. Before I knew it my fist banging on her door echoed through the hallways loudly, but I didn't care. I heard her yelling and grunting from behind the door as I had clearly caught her off guard and she was scrambling to open it.

"What the heck?-Y/n?" Her eyes met mine as the door pulled open, I quickly shoved her backwards by her shoulders into her apartment, making the door bounce off her walls and close behind me the anger was radiating off me and she seemed confused as to what was going on.

"Y/n, I-" She began to speak but I cut her off.

"Did you, do it?" I sneered at her, walking towards her causing her to back up into her living room and against her window looking over the town.

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