Rainy days, mysterious notes, and wet apologies (8)

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Summary: Y/n forms closer bonds with her hybrid roommates, sometimes a bit too close, the mysterious notes the Y/n keeps receiving are making her hope that it's just a prank and Y/n gets an apology from someone.

Word count: 6.3k

Warnings: Threats, angst, illusion to criminal acts, Let me know if I missed any!

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Why is it so damn hot?!

I sat up so I could see my bed and figure out why I was so hot, glancing to my left I quickly ripped back the blankets expecting it to just be tangled up, but what I saw was far from that. Lying beside me was Hoseok, his orange fox ears flattened on his head, he groaned before shuffling around a bit and reaching for the blankets without opening his eyes, he pulled them back up to his head so you would only be able to see his hair and ears.

What on earth is he doing here!

I pulled the blankets back down away from him again hoping that my mind was playing tricks with me, and it wasn't really Hoseok in my bed, he let out an annoyed sigh before sitting up, his hair was messy and sticking out all over the place, he barely opened his eyes as he faced towards me.

"Will you stop that? I'm trying to sleep."

"W-What are you doing in my bed?" I said to him still a little freaked out.

"We told you there was no room on the couch, and you said you would give us your bed if there was enough room, and there is." He explained as he kept patting the bed looking for the blankets which I kept moving slightly further away from him.

"That's not what I meant! I meant that you - wait, we? -"

"Will you two be quiet and stop moving? Some of us want to keep sleeping." Said a tired voice, I glanced to where the voice came from, I let out a scream as I saw another person in my bed.

Why is everyone in my bed!

At the end of the bed, lying sideways was another bunch of blankets, this one had black cat ears sticking out the top along with black hair, the sound of someone shushing me filled my ears as I turned back to Hoseok. He had his finger to his lips indicating me to be quiet, he slowly moved his finger over to my lips before grabbing the blankets and lying back down.

"I- "

Hoseok's hand shot up, covering my mouth again stopping me from talking. "No more talking, Y/n." He said sleepily and then put his arm back down and into the blankets. He shuffled a bit more before stilling, I could still see the slight rise and fall under the blanket from his breathing. I turned to look back at Yoongi, he had slightly shifted, but seemed as though he had gone straight back to sleep.

What the...

I didn't want to wake the boys again, they clearly wanted to sleep, and they obviously needed it, I slowly slid out from under the covers and tried to neaten up my side of the bed before rounding and headed into the bathroom to wash up. When I came back out both boys were still sleeping in the bed, the blankets were tossed and messy, but they seemed comfortable, so I crept out and closed the door trying not to disturb them. Walking into the kitchen I saw most of the other boys sitting around doing their own thing, it was mid-morning, so most of them were awake, opening the fridge I grabbed out some milk to make cereal, as I was choosing which flavour I heard knocking at the front door, the boys must have heard it too as their conversations died down and their attention was now focused on the door.

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