Working boys (10)

2.7K 127 18

Summary: With the 7 Hybrids working in her café, Y/n is not surprised by the shenanigan's that ensues, Y/n grows closer with some of the Hybrids as they adjust to this new life of living together.

Word count: 5.9k

Warnings: Intensely fluffy! Let me know if I missed any!


"Jungkook! Stop drinking all the banana milk." Jin yelled from the kitchen as a guilty Jungkook quickly raced to the other side, hiding something behind his back, his bunny ears were standing tall atop his head as his face quickly scrunched up in a smile. The room smelt like fresh biscuits and sweet strawberries from all the baking, I giggled at the sight from my chair in the corner, I had been banished from helping out and was being kept in the corner on one of the spare chairs, thankfully, the boys went through the effort of getting me some cushions. So far, the boys were doing...okay, they had some trouble, but they were trying their best, I was still able to give them instructions and Seoyeon was working too so she could help them as well, though she didn't seem overly happy about it.

'Yah! You can't t keep drinking it all. They're for the customers and unless you're paying, you aren't a customer!" Jin said whilst holding a spatula which he used to point at Jungkook in a threatening manner, Jungkook's ears seemed to twitch before he looked over at me, I just shrugged before looking over to Jin, I gave a slight nod of my head letting the boys know that while I wasn't mad about Jungkook taking the milk, Jin still had a point, and I didn't want Jungkook to go overboard and go bananas on the banana milk. Jungkook settled down before Yoongi came in so they could swap places, they did that every so often, but Jin usually stayed in the kitchen since he was the best cook, Namjoon was banned, and Taehyung refused and said he wants to stay out there.

Jungkook gave me a little wave before he walked through the door and out to the counter. Yoongi walked over to the table and picked up an apron which he then put on as he was walking around seeing what needed to be done before picking up some bread buns which he quickly got started on cutting.

"How're you feeling Y/n?"

"Oh, alright, quality rest and good food and I'm feeling fine." I said to him, he looked up at me as I spoke before going back to the buns. "I could help out you know."

"No, it's okay. You can rest for today, we've got this." He smiled his usually gummy smile before putting down the knife and walking over to the fridge, presumably to get the sandwich ingredients.

The café was fairly busy today and Seoyeon kept running back and forth from the counter to the kitchen trying to make sure everything was going fine, she occasionally gave me a playful glare before going back to work, jealous that I basically had the day off, the kitchen had a calming atmosphere and was quiet for the most part, you could just hear the chatter of people outside and the low hum of the radio, Seokjin and Yoongi were pretty silent except for the occasional ushered words between them, it was a comforting silence, the kind that could lull you to sleep, until it wasn't.

"Hey guys, we-" The voice was quickly cut off by a high pitched screaming followed by a loud thump and some clanging, I quickly turned to the door to see Hoseok on his back on the floor, there was a silver tray lying beside him and some wrapped croissants scattered around the floor, before I could ask if he was okay, someone else beat me to it.

"What's going on in here? Is Y/n-" As Jimin pushed through the door and into the kitchen he stumbles over Hoseok's body, causing him to fall as well. Jimin fell right on top of Hoseok, causing both men to groan in pain before moving and trying to get away from each other.

7 Hybrids Moved in With MeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin