Fair day (12)

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Summary: After Jimin finds the notes, Y/n explains to them why she hid them. With everyone feeling down, Y/n decides they should all use a break, and so they head out to the local fair to have some fun. Y/n tried not to think about the menacing letters being slid under her door, but what if someone knew who was sending the notes all along?

Word count: 6.5k

Warnings: None? Let me know if I missed any!

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The room held a slightly awkward silence as we all were gathered in the lounge room, the boys were standing around and some of them were seated on the couch whilst I was standing in the middle of the room, all eyes were on me, waiting for an explanation to the notes, the tension was thick and I could feel the anxiety seeping through me, crawling up my neck and wrapping itself around my throat, my mouth dried and my throat closed up as I tried to swallow.

"Y/n, what's going on?" Namjoon said while looking at me, concern laced in his deep voice. I glanced away slightly, trying to avoid eye contact as I wasn't sure how to explain myself.

"Well...." I began, trying to slightly laugh it off before ultimately giving up and just blurting out the situation. They'd already seen the notes and there was no way I could sugar coat such a thing. "Someone, I'm not sure who, has been sliding these weird notes into the apartment." I started, shortly pausing before continuing. "I wasn't going to tell you at first because I thought it was just some silly joke or something, I didn't think it was serious or anything.

I moved my hands up to my face and rubbed it before I kept explaining. "A few weeks ago, they started getting worse and I just wasn't sure how to tell you guys about it. I guess I hoped that if I ignored it long enough it would go away." I bit my lip as I realised how foolish of a thought that was and how I probably should have told them in the first place what had been happening. "I didn't mean to hide things from you all, I just didn't want you to get hurt by what they said and I didnt want you all to worry."

The room stayed silent as I finished explaining to them the situation and why I didn't tell them. I looked down into my hands, my eyes tracing the slightly darker lines that ran through them, because I knew if I looked up my eyes would just start darting around the room, not being sure where to land their focus. The silence isn't awkward but there was a sense of tension lingering in the air, as we waited to see who would break the silence.

"It's alright." I dragged my eyes up from my hands and looked in the direction Jin's voice had come from, he stood up as he took a few steps closer to me. "You did it because you didn't want us to get hurt or become worried. It's okay Y/n." I wrapped my arms around him as I took a step forward and I felt his hands press into my back as he gave me an affirming squeeze, assuring me that everything was okay. I let out a shaky breath as I allowed my nerves to calm down slightly, they didn't hate me, but this person would keep sending those notes and I was beginning to get worried that it might escalate, Seoyeon's words had really affected me, what if they do find a way into the apartment? What if this becomes more than just idle threats? My mind was pulled back into the current reality as I saw someone take a step closer to me before Yoongi's voice filled my ears.

"Have you tried talking to the building owners?" He asks carefully. "Surely this isn't something they can just let happen, right?"

I pulled away from Jin's chest and wiped the top of my nose on the back of my hand. "They won't do anything unless I can give them some proof of who it might be." Seoyeon had convinced me to call the building a few days ago, they had basically told us that if there isn't any concrete evidence that I can give them against someone then there was nothing they could do. I remembered right after he said that, Seoyeon had snatched the phone from me and berated the man on the other side for how stupid of a policy it was.

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