Epilogue I (R)

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Selena Gomez ft

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Selena Gomez ft. Gucci Mane - Fetish.



"ALAINA!" I HEAR SOMEONE shout my name - someone feminine - as I apply finishing touches on my clothes, struggling to tie the thin straps of ropes behind me. "Alaina!"

"I'm in here." I reply coolly, putting on my woven, black cardigan atop the short, floral print dress I just changed into few minutes ago. Then I take off my Crocs and put on my black Converse sneakers.

I'm squatting and tying the laces up as neatly as I can when someone else's white Crocs come into view on the floor in front of me.

"Chief Kim said to meet her in her office."

I take my eyes up, mood brightening and smile widening as I stare at Bridget Harris.

"Hey, Bridget." I greet her.

Everyone calls her Bridge, but that nickname sounds absolutely stupid in my opinion. So I call her Bridget, her playful frowns and the lengthier syllables not withstanding.

"You already prepped up to go, huh?"

"Yeah." I get up and tap both my feet on the floor repeatedly to get used to the feel of my heavy shoes. "Shift's over."

"Well, Kim called for you." She says. "And she said to go to her immediately."

I look down at my clothes, weariness tugging at my nerve endings. "But I just changed out of my scrubs."

"Oh, it's no bother." She waves off my worry. "I think it's because she wants to give you some sort of pep talk. You know how The Chief gets."

Why, yes.

Yes, I do know how The Chief gets. She took a particular liking to me because she knows my grandmother, but she's as strict and impartial as Chiefs can get; even way stricter than Carl Simons.

It's been twelve months since I left Canada and moved in to Colorado.

After a week of staying in a hotel and getting adjusted to the city, I coincidentally met my grandmother; she let me stay in her house with her, and then let me stay alone after she left-she loves to travel around the world.

She helped me get a job at UCH Memorial and also put in a good word for me with Chief Kimberly Greene. They're friends.

"So I can go see her dressed like this then?"

"Yes." Bridget nods, spinning on her heels in readiness to make her exit. "Who knows? Maybe you're going to be assigned your first surgery." She leaves me alone in the locker room with her flowery scent, and a whiff of that light-hearted amusement which was in her tone, hanging in the air thickly.

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