Arc 5 | Bloody Castle (5) |

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The mad butler was very powerful. Eight tentacles sprouted from his tuxedo. The tentacles like octopus tentacles directly rolled up a player next to him and threw him to the ground.

A few meters away, everyone could hear the sound of the player's bones breaking, a crater was made on the ground, and the metal railings were deformed.

When he was rolled up, a light golden protective shield appeared on his body, but this protective shield was quickly shattered, which showed the great strength of the butler.

Fortunately, there was a protective shield, so the player was not dead, but was more or less injured. Everyone got out of the way and had no intention of fighting the butler directly. They all knew that the butler was trying to get in trouble, and it would be a fool to approach him at this time.

The butler's eight hands went crazy at the same time. Not to mention the guests, even the servants in maid uniforms, he had no intention of letting go. He shook the maid's body crazily: "It's not you? Did you do it?! Hand over the master's portrait!"

"It's not me, I didn't do anything!" The poor maid felt that her brain was about to be shaken. The world was spinning for a while, and some tinkling things fell out of her body.

These are the props in the kitchen that she collected, all of which were thrown out by the housekeeper's crazy tricks.

"Okay, I dare to say it's not you, thief, you are all shameless thieves!" The housekeeper was even more irritated. Under his desperate shaking, in less than ten minutes, there was finally a player who was not strong enough. Being shaken hard by the crazy housekeeper.

They couldn't help but vomit while they were shaking. Because they were hung upside down and caught, not only did their brains suffer from ischemia and lack of oxygen, but their airways were also blocked by vomit, and they were suffocated to death.

[Player No. 36 has been eliminated]

Death is also equivalent to elimination, but it is different from being wiped out by the system. Players killed by NPCs can still leave intact bodies. Of course, when the copy is completed, the corpses of such dead players will also be refreshed.

The eight tentacles of the butler can grab several people at the same time, and his speed is very fast. Even if the players want to hide, the scope of the castle is so large that they cannot hide, and it is impossible to really run out of the mission range.

"Stop hiding it, use whatever tricks you have, or you will be killed by this NPC."

In this kind of castle dungeon, the butler is usually at least like a mini-boss, and it is normal for him to have a higher combat power.

"If you don't help, does that mean you are in the rat camp? You are not on the same side as us." Someone suddenly shouted.

The player group immediately became vigilant. Although the system previously said there were rats and asked everyone to find them, there were only four rats and it was difficult to find them hidden among the crowd.

"Who is the rat? Don't talk nonsense!" One player was the first to attack the housekeeper. She was a very dashing and heroic-looking female player. She did not fight the housekeeper directly, but threw a stick in the distance. The ribbon, a bit like the kind of ribbon used during dancing, tightly bound the butler.

The housekeeper began to struggle desperately, and the female player immediately said: "I can't control him for too long, what are you still doing, come and help me?!"

In order to prove that they are not mice, other players also took action. After all, the mad housekeeper attacks indiscriminately, and the mission dungeon only lasts for ten days. The second day has already passed, and they don't want to die in the hands of the housekeeper so aggrievedly.

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