Arc 6 | Ghost Restaurant (8) |

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The restaurant owner on the phone said, "Menggui Restaurant needs special ingredients. If you help buy these ingredients, I am willing to let you join our restaurant."

"There is no basis for what you say. If I got it, you would regret it again." Tan Gui would not just believe what Weiyi said.

"I can sign a contract with you. There is a printer in the backstage of the restaurant. I will print the fax to you." The restaurant owner is obviously a qualified businessman. "It is you who are willing to join Menggui Restaurant, not me who is begging you to join. Sign It's up to you not to sign this contract."

The fax machine at the cashier made a sound of spitting out documents. Tan Gui got the contract. It said that Tan Gui would complete the procurement work for Meng Gui Restaurant. If he could get ingredient No. 18, Meng Gui Restaurant would offer it at a preferential price. Sell ​​some shares to it at a price.

The system that has been silent for a long time has finally updated the main task of collecting advanced materials No. 18

Obtain the shares of Menggui Restaurant in the advanced mission. The advanced strength is determined by the number of shares.

The source of ingredient No. 18 is from Chenjia Village. The address is very thoughtfully written on the contract, and the way to get to Chenjia Village from this area is given. Start from the commercial building, go to the left of the gate, walk for 1k, and arrive at the bus stop. Take bus No. 44, ride for 7 stops, and get off at Chenjiacun Station.

The other party stamped the official seal of Menggui Restaurant, and the contract did exude a vague power of contract. Tan Gui read the contract three times and wrote his name below. The system updated the main line, which showed that he had no other choice.

This journey may be dangerous, so Tan Gui and Mo Chen discussed, "I have to go out and I may come back in a few days."

Mo Chen glared at him, "What's the point of leaving me alone here? I worked so hard just to be with you."

Tan Gui sighed. "The bus may not be easy to ride, and the environment is not good."

"You forgot that we took the tour bus many times when we were at the paperweight. I'm not as squeamish as you think." Speaking of which, Tangui had not finished folding the paper he bought before. Although the paperweight was destroyed, , but those special papers were taken out by Tan Gui as good props.

But now in such a copy, Tan Gui's backpack grid can't be used. No, he just discovered that with the update of the mission, the backpack grid has been unlocked, but the skills are still dark, and the system mall is still unavailable. This means that there is no Get supplies from the mall. It seems that the difficulty of the journey is very high, otherwise the system would not be able to unlock the backpack.

As for not unlocking the skills, Tan Gui understands that if he directly spends money to use the skills, he can use force to persuade him to pass the level, then the task will seem too easy.

But what my wife said makes sense. The other party worked hard to come to this unfamiliar place just to stay with her. If something unexpected happened along the way, he was delayed for a long time. Mo Chen's efforts were not in vain. .

"Okay, let's go together." But before setting off, Tan Gui had to make appropriate preparations. After unlocking the backpack grid, his food reserves were not a big problem, but in case the system suddenly blocked his In the backpack grid, he still prepared a few extra days of food, clothing, and weapons. He also took out some props and put them into the temporarily purchased suitcase.

After making preparations, the two held hands and walked all the way to the bus stop. However, they did not get on the bus. They just looked at the operating hours of the bus station and walked back holding hands.

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