Chapter 5

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I stumbled to my locker, resting my pounding head against the cool metal as if trying to push those memories away. Sleep had been elusive since Saturday, and Kayley quickly approached.

"Where did you disappear to at the party?" she asked, her cheerful lavender curls bouncing irritatingly. "One moment you were dancing with Connor, and then - poof!"

I sighed, my thoughts involuntarily drifting to strange events that followed. Telling the truth wasn't an option, so I spun a weak lie.

"I wasn't feeling well, so I thought some fresh air would help. Ended up walking home early," I shrugged, avoiding her probing gaze.

Kayley accepted the excuse without question, continuing to recount the remaining festivities. However, I couldn't focus, my mind lingering on peculiar memories - stern expressions softening, elegant hands guiding me safely through the dark.

"Are you still coming to cheer practice after school?" Kayley asked, leaning against the lockers.

I inwardly groaned, suddenly remembering our routine that had slipped my exhausted mind. Obligations and responsibilities washed over me like a fresh wave of nausea.

Taking a deep breath, I reluctantly met her enthusiastic gaze, mustering whatever enthusiasm I could despite my throbbing head. "Ugh, yeah...I almost forgot about that."

Kayley noticed my not-so-great condition and frowned. "Are you sure you're up for it? We can let Coach know you're not feeling well if you need the afternoon off."

Her genuine concern caught me off guard. I thought about taking the easy way out, but habit and routine held strong, not giving up control so easily.

With a sigh, I decided, "No, I'll be there. A few hours of mindless routines might be just what I need to stop overthinking things."

Kayley smiled, giving my arm a supportive squeeze. "Alright, hope you feel better though!"

As I looked down the busy hallway, hoping its noise would drown out memories, a familiar figure emerged like a sudden lifeline in the chaos.

Ms. Clarke walked down the hall, arms full of books, dressed sharply in a maroon pantsuit that somehow made her seem more formidable yet alluring.

Our eyes unexpectedly met across the corridor, and I froze like a startled deer. A single raised eyebrow from her silently questioned me - had the improbable events of Saturday lingered in her mind too?

Before I could interpret her inscrutable look, the crowd swallowed her once more. But those brief seconds resonated in strange ways, causing me to pause amid my pounding head and frazzled thoughts.

The hours dragged on as I struggled to focus, my mind stubbornly drifting back to improbable memories.

Finally, History neared its end, and I massaged my throbbing temples, willing the bell to ring sooner. Beside me, Kayley chatted with Noah, oblivious as always to my growing frustration.

Noah caught my gaze, her concerned brown eyes seeing through my façade. "You okay, Emma?" she asked quietly. "You seem kinda out of it."

I forced a weak smile. "I'm fine, Noah, don't worry. Just tired, is all."

She didn't look convinced, but Kayley distracted her before more questions could arise. I sighed in relief, grateful for small reprieves, however brief.

The weekend clung stubbornly, memories persisting despite my efforts to push them away. With the final bell, I gathered my books slowly, preparing for what lay ahead. Noah and Kayley rushed off to their next class, unaware of the turmoil beneath my calm exterior.

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