Chapter 11

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I followed Susan around the kitchen persistently, trying to wear down her resistance. "Oh come on Susan, please? Just this once?"

She remained unmoved, shaking her head firmly. "Emma, I said no and I mean it. You're still being punished for skipping school last week. My answer isn't changing."

"But it's not fair!" I complained. "All I'm asking for is one night at Kayley's. We'll be busy doing homework and studying, I promise."

Mom sighed in exasperation. "I understand you want to spend time with your friends, but as your mother I have to enforce the rules. Maybe next weekend if you can prove you've learned your lesson." I cringed at her word mother.

Seeing I wasn't getting anywhere, I tried a different tact. "If I finish all my chores tonight and tomorrow, will you reconsider then?"

But she stood resolute. "I know you're disappointed, but these consequences are meant to teach responsibility. Now please drop it before you lose any screen time as well."

I knew when I was defeated. As much as I wanted to rebel, Susan's authority left me no choice but to accept her decision for now. But maybe I could still find a way to that rave.

I trudged up the stairs dejectedly after my failed attempt to sway Susan. When I reached the landing, I found Jolie leaning against her doorframe with a superior smirk.

"Aww, did Emmy not get her way?" she cooed mockingly.

I shot her an icy glare. "Piss off, Jolie."

Undeterred, she pushed off the frame and blocked my path. "Looks like somebody's still grounded. Sucks to suck!"

I balled my hands into fists, fighting the urge to shove past her. "I said fuck off. Leave me alone."

Jolie just sneered wider. "Oooh, touchy! I can see why my Mom doesn't want to let you out anymore." Jolie annunciated the 'my'. She started making kissy faces and smooching noises to drive me mad.

I'd had enough. Shouldering past roughly, I growled, "One more word out of you and I'll make sure you're grounded next, bitch."

Her squawk of protest followed me as I stomped to my room, slamming the door behind me. Stupid Jolie always had to rub it in.

After escaping my pest of a sister, I collapsed onto my bed with a grumpy sigh and called Kayley.
She picked up on the second ring, sighing into the phone.

"She said no, didn't she?" Kayley said knowingly.

"Of course. Like I didn't see that coming," I groaned. Silence on the line as we both wracked our brains.

Then Kayley gasped excitedly. "Wait, I've got an idea! Ask your mom if I can sleep over. Then when they're asleep, we'll sneak out and meet the guys at the rave!"

I considered the possibility reluctantly. "I don't know, Kay. She's pretty mad, she might not let you stay. She thinks I need to learn responsibilities."

"Please, just ask!" she begged. "What could it hurt? I'll even help with chores tomorrow, kiss up to the 'rents as much as it takes."

Her infectious excitement was hard to resist. And technically we wouldn't be breaking the rules... "Alright, fine. But if she says no, we drop it, okay?"

"Deal! Now go work that Emma charm. See you tomorrow, girlfriend!"

I chuckled and hung up, already dreading selling this plan to Mom.

I braced myself and headed back down to the kitchen, where fate deemed it necessary for Jolie to be lurking again. She sat at the table sneering as I entered.

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