Chapter 13

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I floated in a hazy sea, and amidst the waves, a familiar voice reached me.

"Emma! There you are."

Opening my glazed eyes, I saw Kayley's grinning face against the kaleidoscopic sky. She sank down beside me, concern replacing her smile.

"Hey, how're you feeling?" she asked with a carefree tone.

Warm contentment flowed through me as everything unfolded perfectly, worries fading with the rhythmic music pulsing deep within.

Gently reaching out, I grazed Kayley's silken hair, savoring the moment. "Mmm, amazing... like liquid gold... just... flowing..."

In my euphoria, Kayley's presence lifted me higher. I embraced her, holding onto the sole anchor in this blissful place.

Against her neck, I mumbled dreamily, "Soooo comfy... just wanna stay like this..."

Lost in the rapture, we embraced, adrift in timeless bliss.

Eventually, my arms relaxed, resting my cheek on Kayley's shoulder. Her soothing fingers calmed the tempest within.

Underwatery and strange, Kayley's voice echoed, "I think we need to call an Uber..."

I shook my head slowly, feeling strands of hair brush against my cheek. "Noooo... Ms. Clarke is bringing us home..."

Even though Kayley looked momentarily perplexed through the haze, I was convinced it was true. Her expression seemed like an illusion in the flickering lights, and nothing felt quite real in my dreamlike state.

Kayley must have sensed the futility of arguing because, after a moment, her features softened. Tenderly stroking my hair, she nodded. "Okay lovely, if you're sure. We'll wait for Ms. Clarke then."

I responded with a dreamy smile, nuzzling against her caress with complete trust. Ms. Clarke would come; she always did, a beacon guiding me back from any shore of sensation.

From my relaxed position curled into Kayley's side, I noticed a stir of motion and looked up at a looming tree, its colossal form bathed in a breathtaking glow of wonder.

"The treeeee is sad," I slurred with solemn clarity. Unsteadily getting to my feet, I staggered towards its massive trunk.

Behind me, Kayley's laughter rang through the swirling woods like silver chimes. But the tree's loneliness felt deeper than any mirth or melody. Pressing close to its bark, I wound protective arms around its giant girth.

"There there... don't cry..." I cooed soothingly, as Kayley's snickers continued. Its sadness, plain to my enhanced sight, compelled me to ease its loaded heart. Stroking the rough ridges tenderly, calm suffused my being once more.

From my distant shores of bliss, I caught sight of movement—headlights gliding through swirling trees. As the car came to a stop, a figure emerged, the one I had prayed to see.

""Ms. Clarke!" I exclaimed, stumbling toward her open arms. Colliding into her embrace, I sighed her name again like a prayer. "Missed youuuu..."

Her familiar scent wrapped comfort through the haze, steadying my tempestuous soul. Looking up at her caring eyes alone brought sense back bit by bit.

Vaguely, I sensed her asking Kayley something, concern lacing practiced words. My eyes drifted shut, sighing deeper into Ms. Clarke's sure embrace. Nothing else mattered but her soothing touch tethering me back from paradise's brink.

As Ms. Clarke helped me settle into the front seat, soft leather caressed my cheek like a lover's embrace. When she shut the door and moved to climb in herself, I turned drowsily towards her familiar scent.

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