Chapter 12

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I took a bite of popcorn as Kayley rummaged through her overstuffed closet, tossing clothes every which way. Her bedroom was a reflection of her spirited, lively personality - bright colors and photos crammed onto every surface with little order.

"Ugh, nothing to wear!" she groaned dramatically before turning to me with a grin. "I'm so glad it's finally Friday. This week has dragged on forever!"

I chuckled at her theatrical antics, infinitely grateful to escape my own dreary home for the night. Here, surrounded by Kayley's infectious joy, I could almost forget the gloom that still lingered from Jolie's cruel jab.

"Any big plans for the rave tonight?" I asked casually, though hopeful she'd want me by her side as usual.

She winked mischievously. "'ll have to wait and see! But I promise you, Em, it'll be a night to remember. The perfect pick-me-up."

Kayley turned her attention to me appraisingly. "So, what are you wearing tonight Em?"

I glanced down self-consciously at my black crop top and flared high-waisted jeans. "I, uh, was just gonna wear this."

Her eyes widened in horror. "Girl, no. There is no way in hell you're wearing that to rave."

She started rifling pointedly through her closet again. I bristled, suddenly defensive. "What's wrong with it?"

"Babe, it's cute and all, but you'll stick out like a sore thumb there in granny clothes!" Kay scoffed. "Ahah, perfect!"

She whipped out a slinky red dress, holding it up triumphantly. "You're borrowing this. Trust me, you'll have all the boys swooning in no time!"

I sputtered, cheeks burning. "I, um, don't know about that..."

Kayley rolled her eyes affectionately. "Relax, it's one night! Live a little, Em! Now get changing, we've got a rave to get to!"

I sighed, taking the dress. A night of fun with my bestie was worth stepping out of my comfort zone.

I examined my reflection hesitantly, twisting side to side in the clingy red fabric. The dress hugged my figure in ways my normal clothes didn't, leaving little to the imagination.

Kayley whistled approvingly from behind me. "Damn, girl! If I was gay, I'd be all up in that."

I raised a skeptical eyebrow at her in the mirror. "Don't you think it's a little...much?"

"Oh please, you look fire." She came over to adjust the bodice playfully, waggling her brows. "The boys won't know what hit 'em! And girl, that ass? Perfection."

Heat rose in my cheeks as I swatted her hand away, laughing nervously. "Okay, okay, I get it! You sure this dress is really party-appropriate?"

Kayley rolled her eyes, giving me a final once-over. "Emma, you're gorgeous. Own it! Just follow my lead tonight and live a little, that's an order. Now come on, you hottie, our chariot awaits..."

With a last reassuring smile, she dragged me giggling from the room.

I buckled my seatbelt nervously as Kayley started the car, bouncing to the beat pumping through the stereo. As we pulled out of the driveway, I glanced over at her suspiciously. "Soooo where exactly is this party?"

She flashed me a blithe grin. "It's out at the old Memorial Theater downtown.."

My eyes narrowed. That location seemed awfully conspicuous. " there gonna be drugs there?"

She smirked in a way that told me everything without confirming a thing. "Relax Emma, it'll be fun! Live in the moment a little."

I sighed, staring out the window worriedly. Kayley's definition of fun often pushed the limits of my comfort zone. But to back out now seemed like abandoning her.

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