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Author's pov

Shanaya, feeling a little confused, opened her eyes as the warm sunlight gently touched her face. She looked around and noticed some activity nearby, as well as the presence of someone else. Sitting up on the couch, she realized that the blanket was neatly placed on her, unlike its usual half-sliding state and there was no one around her.

She didn't pay much mind to it and rubbed her sleepy eyes before turning her gaze towards the bed, only to find Parth missing. A sense of confusion washed over her, and she glanced at the clock, realizing it was only 6:00 AM.

Curious to find out where Parth might be, Shanaya made her way downstairs, hoping to see him in the living room. However, to her surprise, the room was empty. She proceeded to the kitchen, where she finally spotted Madhu, who seemed busy and ready as if she was preparing to go somewhere.

Shanaya approached her softly and asked, "Good morning, Madhu aunty, are you going somewhere?" Madhu looked at Shanaya with a loving expression and replied, "Good morning, dear! Yes, I am going to buy some green vegetables since we're running low, and I also need to get some milk." Shanaya nodded, smiling in understanding.

Madhu then inquired, "But dear, do you need anything?" Shanaya shook her head, indicating that she didn't require anything. Madhu smiled, understanding Shanaya's response, and suggested, "Then go back to sleep, dear, or take some rest. It's still very early in the morning. Why did you wake up so early?" Shanaya hesitated for a moment before shaking her head and saying, "No, aunty. I'm good. I actually feel refreshed and not sleepy." Madhu nodded in understanding, acknowledging Shanaya's decision.

Shanaya hesitantly asked, "Madhu aunty, has Mr. Deshmukh gone somewhere?" Madhu aunty replied, "Oh yes, he just went to the office. He said today is a reception and he has a lot of work. So he's going early to make sure he arrives on time."

Shanaya, feeling nervous, asked, "Did he have breakfast?" Madhu immediately responded, "Obviously not, dear! You know he's a workaholic. Even if we insist, he won't have breakfast when he has so much work to do." Shanaya replied absentmindedly, "Ohhh."

When she came back to her senses, she said, "Okay then, Madhu aunty, you can go." Madhu nodded and said, "Since it's still early and the workers will come here by 7, they're still in their dorm. If you need any help, just go out of the mansion, turn right, and you'll find their dorm. I might take some time out there."

Shanaya smiled and nodded, saying, "Thank you so much for thinking about me, Madhu aunty. You can go now, I've already taken up enough of your time." Madhu nodded and left. Shanaya turned around and found the whole mansion empty. No one was there. So she decided to go back to their bedroom and freshen up.

Shanaya came back from the bathroom all dressed up in a beautiful saree, brushing her long, black, wet hair with a towel. She headed to the dressing table and straightened her hair. Then she applied moisturizer and put on a light pink lip gloss. She added vermilion and a matching bindi to complete her look. The mangalsutra, a symbol of her marriage, was already around her neck from the wedding day, she didn't removed it because she valued it. She evenly adorned her hands with bangles and put on a pair of matching earrings with a big smile on her face.

 She evenly adorned her hands with bangles and put on a pair of matching earrings with a big smile on her face

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