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Author's pov

After the reception party, everyone headed back to their rooms. Parth and Shanaya entered their room. Shanaya went to the washroom to change while Parth checked his laptop for some mails. Both just wanted to avoid each other after what happened. Once she returned, Parth went to change as well. Shanaya grabbed the pillow and blankets and settled herself on the couch, getting comfortable.

As she lay there, she couldn't help but reflect on the events of the day. She thought about the moment when she was asked to slide the ring, how scared she felt. And then, when Parth held her hands, she felt something different. In the morning, when his hand accidentally brushed against her bare back, she felt a shiver run through her. And while dancing, when he held her waist, it sent goosebumps all over her.

These sensations of excitement, butterflies, nervousness, and shivers weren't because she was uncomfortable, but because she felt something new and safe in his touch. She knew that some kind of feelings were emerging within her, but she tried her best to push them away because she believed there was no future with him. He had already made it clear that she was just a mere responsibility and nothing more.

As Shanaya looked at the ring one last time, she eventually fell asleep. She was tired from the occasion and having woken up early. Parth, upon seeing Shanaya sleeping, also lay down on the bed but found it difficult to sleep. He got up and went to the balcony, gazing at the moon.

He couldn't help but think about the morning incident when he noticed the blanket sliding off, making Shanaya uncomfortable. So, he made sure to properly place the blanket on her. And when he felt nervous as he touched her bare back. And then, when he was asked to dance with her, he got lost in her eyes. The way he took her in his embrace while doing dance steps made him relax and gave him peace. It sparked some new feelings in him.

But he chose to replace those feelings with a sense of responsibility, helpfulness, and compulsion. While gazing at the moon, he muttered, "I need to ignore her. I don't want her to have false hopes. I hope she didn't misinterpret my actions today and develop some attraction towards me." He huffed and went to bed, feeling tired. after having that internal discussion with himself, he felt a bit better. Soon he fell asleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~Next morning~~~~~~~~~

Shanaya woke up at her usual time, not as early as yesterday. She noticed that the blanket was neatly placed on her, which puzzled her a bit since she wasn't used to sleeping so properly. She didn't pay much attention to it, thinking that maybe she had slept properly. Shanaya couldn't find Parth in the room again. It seemed like he had gone to the office early, just like yesterday because of the reception, but she was confused about why he went early today. She shrugged it off, assuming it must be something important.

After freshening up, Shanaya dressed in a saree. She quickly styled her hair, applied moisturizer and lip balm, and added accessories like bangles,anklets and earrings. Most importantly, she applied vermilion. Completing her look with a matching bindi, she stepped outside.

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