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"W-where am I...I-i-i wanna go back home!" Your eyes had tears streaming down as you looked up at two shadowy figures one had your halo the other just glared and smirked
???: "this is your new home welcome to hell bitch!" Your eyes watered more than ever as the two figures flew away back to heaven you laid on the ground until you saw another demon come to you and talked in a static voice... ???: "my oh my and who is this?" You looked up and saw a yellow smile on the demons lips you were to weak to speak and passed out...you woke up with bandages wrapped around your torso and arm you looked around and saw a room? (Y/N): "what in the world is this..." you touched your stomach seeing your wounds still bleeding through the bandages you then saw a figure walking into the room he just smiled
Alastor: "hello I'm Alastor a pleasure to meet you miss..?" You were so so so confused you looked at him in his eyes (Y/N): "m-my name is (Y/N)..." Alastor just smirked and nodded saying Alastor: "well then I see your a fallen angel huh?" You just nodded Alastor: "well then take this" your eyes widen when you saw it was a spell book when you touched it your eyes...turned purple so did the bottom on your hair...you felt more...powerful more confident you smirked into the camera as the lights went out....

Carmilla Carmine X (fallen) Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now