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[Go back to the hotel. Niffty tries to stab a bug. Vaggie stops her]

Niffty: "Stab! Stab! Stab!"

Vaggie: "Alright, Niffty, Niffty. Niffty! Your line is "We have the cleanest rooms," okay?"

Niffty: "Understood. I'm ready."

Vaggie: "Action!"

[Niffty freezes and stares at the camera, leaving Vaggie baffled. Ángel also hints]

Vaggie: "Uhh, cut."

Niffty: "*snaps out of it and returns to his cheerful self* How was that?"

(Name): "Uh Niff, you're just looking at the camera."

Vaggie: "Well, Niffty, you actually have to say the line, so let's roll again."

Niffty: "Okay!"

Vaggie: "Action!"

[Niffty freezes again]

Angel Dust: "*smug* You're making a great vagina."

Vaggie: "Cut! Alright, uhh, maybe we can try to fix it in post."

Angel Dust: "Do you even know what that means?"

Vaggie: "*angry* I'll find out!"

(Name): "Angie, you have to leave Vaggie alone only I can call her that."

Angel Dust: "Oh, come doll face. (walks closer to her) I thought you loved my teasing. *He breathed, which sent a shiver down her spine.*"

(Name): "*turns around and roughly grabs him by the chin* Don't start something you can't finish, angel.* She then leaves his chin and goes to find Vaggie leaving the angel a little nervous and definitely excited a bit scared. *"

[Vaggie sits in front of a broken television, groaning. Alastor enters the room.]

Alastor: "Looks like you're having a bit of trouble there, hmm?"

Vaggie: "uf este idiota... Why are you here?"

Alastor: "For entertainment. I came here because I love watching spendthrift souls strive to achieve something meaningful and fail spectacularly, like you're doing now. Good job!"

(Name): "Al, dad, she's trying."

Vaggie: "*points camera at Alastor* And here's Alastor, the self-absorbed piece of shit who - *video camera malfunctions and falls to the ground* ugh!"

Alastor: "I wouldn't try, dear. This face was made for the radio *nightmarish smile*"

Vaggie: "That's it. I don't care who or what you are. If you're going to stay here, you're going to make this work, because it's not going to be that [mocks Alastor] entertaining [normal] to stake out an empty hotel, right, shitass?"

Alastor: "Fair enough. Tell you what. Let's make a deal."

Vaggie: "Pfft, do you think I'm that stupid making a deal with a demon like you?"

Alastor: "Not for your soul, just a simple deal. I do this for you, and you never ask me to get involved with this frivolous television technology again. Or Charlie can go back to absolutely nothing. Your choice."

Vaggie: "*sigh* fine."

[Vaggie takes the camera and gives it to Alastor, to which he evaporates.]

Alastor: "Now then!"

[Alastor transforms the hotel staff into a 1950s-style film crew]
Your dress (or change)

[Alastor transforms the hotel staff into a 1950s-style film crew]Your dress (or change)

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Vaggie: "Alright everyone, let's do a fucking commercial."

Carmilla Carmine X (fallen) Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now