Drunk Lovers lemon

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[as (Y/N) walked back to the room she opened the door slightly and saw a angelic spear come flying at her but she caught it without flinching she saw it was Carmilla who threw it]

(Y/N): "nice throw"

[Carmilla blushed slightly]

Carmilla: "why are you here? The meetings over with"

(Y/N): "I just wanted to talk..if that's ok?"

[Carmilla glared at (Y/N) for a bit then sighed]

Carmilla: "fine whatever just..don't do something stupid"

(Y/N): "got it I'll keep quiet for the lovely lady *smiles*"

[Carmilla blushed and glared]

Carmilla: "shut up damnit"

[After awhile you both got a bit drunk and well..that's when things got crazy]

(Y/N): "you know I'm not supposed to say anything but hehe I'm an fallen angel and I have no clue why hehe"

[(Y/N) flopped her face on Carmilla's chest Carmilla just giggled]

Carmilla: "you seem to cute to be an exterminator your tiny curvy..beautiful"

[(Y/N) and Carmilla locked eyes for a bit as she leaned in and so did Carmilla she pulled (Y/N) on her lap as (Y/N) leaned in and there lips touched she touched (Y/N)'s cheek]

(Y/N)'s POV:

["Carmilla's kissing me..this is the best day ever I-i think I love this woman I-i want to hold her, touch her keep her save...I-i love you Carmilla"]

[As Carmilla kissed me my knees buckled I letter her up she left out a slight gasp and she blushes looking at me]

Carmilla: "w-what are you doing"

[you blushed and kissed her neck..her collarbone she let out soft moans wrapping her arms around your head]

Carmilla: "don't stop please..~"

[you blushed and kissed her deeply she pulled your hair slightly you pinned her on her desk she quickly took her shirt off showing her black laced bra you blushed and kissed the top of her breast]

Third person pov:

[Carmilla moaned and wrapped her arms around (Y/N) she moaned and bit her lip she then took her hair out the buns (ponytails idk what there called) (Y/N) kissed Carmilla as they moaned in the pleasure she then took her bra off...showing her perfect breast (Y/N) blushed then sucked on one while playing with the other]

[sooner or later (Y/N) passed out and so did Carmilla from there drunken state that's when Clara and Odette came in]

Clara: "mother we-oh looks like mother had company"

Odette: "*sigh* we should get them to mothers bed"

[with that Clara picked up Carmilla and Odette picked up (Y/N) and dragged them to Carmilla's bedroom]

Carmilla Carmine X (fallen) Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now