Welcome to heaven prt 1

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The episode begins with Vaggie and Charlie in their room. Charlie is packing clothes into a suitcase while Vaggie sits on the bed, looking troubled because Charlie is overpacking a lot of things to the point she has a closet-sized suitcase, a guitar case, two extra large suitcase luggage, and a small handbag.

Charlie: "Ok, I have my warm weather clothes and my cold weather clothes. I have a light jacket, flak jacket and rain jacket- wait, does it rain in Heaven?"

Vaggie: "Charlie, you're only going to heaven for a few hours."

[Charlie stands up and paces a bit,] "Vaggie, we are only going to heaven for a day. And I just want to be prepared! It's our last chance to convince heaven a soul can be redeemed."

Vaggie: "Yeah, I wish I could come, sweetie, but I have that...thing...But at least (N/N) is coming with ya'...right?" [Vaggie forced a smile]

Charlie: "Of course, (Y/N) is coming with us..." [Charlie blinked, pausing] "Wait...What thing?"

Vaggie: "The thing with the.. thing uhm.. fuck, gah, I'm such a bad liar." [Vaggie grumbles.]

Charlie takes Vaggie's hand, "Vaggie, you're my partner, I need you and (N/N) there with me..."

Vaggie sighs, "Fine."

"Yes!!" Charlie hugs and kisses Vaggie's cheek.

The scene then changes to the main hotel room, as  stumbles into the lounge with exhaustion. As Pentious was helping (Y/N) pack.

"So...Pentious...Why are you helping me pack?" (Y/N) asked.

"Because...I'm...Helping EVERYBODY PACK!" Pentious blushed.

(Y/N): "you realize it's just me Char and Vaggie right?"

[then the door opened showing angel]

"Oh, fuck." [Angel Dust sighed.]

[Niffty pokes her head out of a plant pot with a feather duster before coming down to see him.]

"You look messy! What happened to you?" [Niffty smiled.]

"It's who happened to me, and the answer is everyone! Twice. Val had me working 16 hours straight on a fucking whim. The absolute dickbag. UGH!" [Angel groaned, throwing a hoodie to (Y/N), who packed it.]

[While Angel is explaining this, he pulls his hands back to straighten his backside with crackles of bone being popped. He collapses on the couch to rest or sleep for the night. Charlie and Vaggie come into the scene with Vaggie holding two luggage suitcase with all of a sudden, the wall explodes, freaking Angel out of the couch. Angel gets annoyed that it's the second or third time the same wall that was fixed was blown up again.]

"Argh! What the fuck is with that wall?!" [Angel Dust groans.]

[(Y/N) covered Niffty's eyes] "What's going on? What was that noise? I wanna see!! I wanna see!!" [Niffty smiled.]

"No. You don't..." [(Y/N) gulped.]

[A female outline, revealed to be Cherri Bomb, appears from the red smoke in the now-destroyed hole on the wall, holding a bomb in her hands.]

"What up hoes?" [Cherri laughs.]

[Angel Dust hears the laughter and immediately gets up from the couch with excitement.]

"Holy shit! Cherri Bomb? Long time no see, baby!" [Angel Dust smirked.]

[Cherri jumps into the room] "Angie, ya bitch! You been texting me depressin' shit all day! Figured we could tear shit up like old times. It's been fucking forever!" [Cherri senses Charlie coming up behind her and gives the bomb to Charlie.]

"Here, hold this." [Cherri smirked.]

[Charlie freaks out and plays hot potato with the bomb. (Y/N) slowly grabs her suitcase.]

"Ah! Oh my god! Oh my god!" [Charlie tosses the bomb back and forth in her hands until Vaggie takes it.]

"Nope, gimme that." [Vaggie throws the bomb out of the oh-so broken wall and said bomb explodes 'safely'.]

"I love seein' ya Cherri, but I'm too tired. I need to pass out". [Angel tries falling back down onto the couch, but Cherri catches and pulls him up.]

"You can sleep when you're double dead, fuckhead! Come on, what you really need is a recharge! A reinvigoration, a re—.." [Cherri paused by Charlie interrupting her.]

"Responsible night on the town! That is a great idea! Hi!" [Charlie shakes Cherri's hand], "Charlie! That's my wall that you just blew up. It's so nice to meet one of Angel's friends! Agh! He never brings anyone around."

[Cherri Bomb snorts], "Wonder why."

[Charlie, obliviously], "Yeah, me too. Anyway, Angel and everyone else have been working so hard, I think they deserve to have a little fun."

"W...W...Wait, they?" [Cherri paused,] "I'm just here for Angie.."

[Charlie waves over to Husk and Niffty. Husk doesn't seem to care much, but Niffty is shaking so fast that rattling sounds can be heard from her body.]

"Yeah! Hi, everyone! Angel and his friend are taking you all out for a night of fun and relaxation!" [Charlie smiled sweetly.]

[Cherri mistakes Charlie's suggestion and tries to make her understand,] "Wait, I'm only here for Ange—" [Charlie hands Cherri Bomb a large stack of money], "—Ooh! Never mind, Let's GO!"

"Make sure they have the best time tonight! Anyway, the portal to Heaven should be opening right about..."  [Just as Charlie predicted, the portal to Heaven opens in the middle of the lounge as Charlie screams with delight,] "Now!"

[(Y/N) waves bye to everyone before stepping into the portal. Charlie grabs Vaggie with both arms and throws her into the portal, and as she steps a foot inside, she turns back to the guests and workers with Cherri Bomb, waving them goodbye for the day.]

"Bye!!" [Charlie smiled.]

[Charlie enters the portal and vanishes on the spot just before Sir Pentious walks by with a drink in his mouth. He notices Cherri Bomb and spits out his drink in shock.]

"Well! If it isn't my arch-nemesis! Have you come to meet your fate in battle, Cherri Bomb?" [Sir Pentious doesn't notice one of Charlie's discarded luggage in his way and ends up tripping over while Cherri Bomb doesn't seem to mind about him.]

"Apparently, I'm going out with Angel and I gotta drag your sorry asses along." [Cherri sighed.]

[Cherri Bomb takes out a piece of gum and starts chewing. Sir Pentious hears her well, and is flustered by Cherri's suggestion. He immediately goes over to her and seemed nervous while Cherri faces him and blows a bubble.]

"Oh, oh, you and me are going out like for fun? I... I didn't think this would ever happen." [Pentious panicked], "What...What do I do? What...What do I wear?"

[Sir Pentious grabs Cherri's shoulder for suggestion, but she doesn't like Sir Pentious touching her and grabs his claw to the point it seemed like she's crushing it.]

"Don't fuckin' touch me, ya munted dickhead...the only two that can do that are Angie..." [Cherri stated.]

[And with that, Cherri leaves behind the flustering Sir Pentious who is blushing red after Cherri touches his hand.]

"WE HAVE SOMETHING IN COMMON NOW!" [Pentious shouts and Pentious sighed.]

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