Radio killed the video star prt 3

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[Cutting to Velvette's studio. The staff cleans everything while looking at four designers holding dresses to show it]

Velvette: "Ugh. No. Unacceptable. You're fired. What is this? WRIST ROLLS? This is 1750?! Burn it like the witches who used it!"

[As he sends out the designer, Vox appears next to him]

Vox: "Velvette! I see you're busy. Tell me, where is our hot-headed friend now?"

Velvette: "In his room, waiting for a flat-faced prince to calm him down!"

Vox: "(sighs) And uh, what's got you so out of place today?"

Velvette: "Who knows?! But he destroyed my best model! And you know, the show can't wait for that unfortunate bitch to get back on her feet! Melissa! Here!"

[Melissa climbs onto the platform, and Velvette uses his overlord powers to change her outfit one after another until he sees the one he wants.]

Velvette: "No. No. Horrible. I want to die. Eww. (yep) Yeah! That's the only one."

Vox: "Ahh, looks like you have everything under control here."

Velvette: "Of course I do! Fuck it! (Turns it over) Now shoo! Watch the piss, baby!"

[Velvettes phone rang]

Velvette: "oh it's (N/N)!"

[He rolled his eyes Vox goes up the stairs and is greeted by two demons who open the door for him. Once he enters, he finds Valentino sitting on his couch surrounded by a haze of red smoke. When Val notices Vox, he sits up with fury in his eyes

Valentino: "Fuck, finally! [Throws drink] Kitty! Another drink!"

[Robo Fizzie next to him nods as he quickly walks off screen and reappears with the drink.]

Valentino: "Ugh! Can you believe what that piece of shit did? THE UNGRATEFUL BITCH!!!"

{As he speaks, he throws the drink at Vox, who walks away making the drink, hits the door and breaks it on the floor.]

Vox: "Uh, what the fuck are we talking about this time?"

Valentino: "*gets up* Damn angel dust! [Goes closer to him] Who the hell are you talking about?! *Passes by him* That fucking whore left me! [Turns into Vox] ME! I fucking did it! *Vox walks away a bit* Without me, he's just a bag of meat with some mildly entertaining holes in it."

Vox: "Oh! Angel quit?"

Valentino: "NO! He didn't fucking resign! It's worse! [Takes Vox's phone] he MOVED!!!"

[As he says that, he throws Vox's phone at the wall causing it to break in half.]

Valentino: "He thinks he can come in here, work, and then go home somewhere else? Can you FUCK believe that? *Walks to closet* He thinks he can run out and box in with Lucifer's BIMBO daughter!"

Vox: "Does Ángel live with Lucifer's daughter?"

Valentino: "YES! That BITCH Chuckie or Chandler, or I don't know. Something like that, she has this hotel and..."

[As he speaks, he opens the closet full of guns, drugs, and photos, including a poster of himself. Valentino brings two long guns: a long revolver and a semi-pistol.]

Valentino: "Which of these makes me look sexier? *Turns into wardrobe*"

Vox: "Heh. What are you doing, Val? You're not going there."

[While he speaks, his left eye began to cast a hypnotizing spell, but Valentino is busy loading his weapons.]

Valentino: "That slippery twink is going to remember who owns him. I'm going to FUCK everyone in that rancid shithole, I swear to God!"

[Before he finishes, Vox grabs him by the neck and shoves him in his face, clearly furious.]

Vox: "*distorted* VAL...*calms down* Hehe. Think about it."

[Vox then takes Valentino to the window, taking one of his weapons.]

Vox: "Our brand is perfection. And what do you think chasing whores around town will do for our image?"

Valentino: "Um...fuck?"

Vox: "Sure! Do you want people to think you can't control your employees?"

Valentino: "No!"

Vox: "Exactly! And hey, you still have him under contract. He's not going anywhere! SO... you should..."

Valentino: "You don't do anything?"

Vox: "Great idea! Now that's why they pay you the *cheek pinches* big bucks."

Valentino: "Ugh. But he really wanted to shoot someone."

[As he speaks, Valentino gets a cigarette holder, and Vox lights it up with his electrical powers.]

Vox: "Well, let me call those who earn the least this month. *He walks to the televisions*"

Valentino: "Ohh, you know me too well. *laughs and blows smoke* You know... Angel isn't the only one who spends time in this Ratty hotel with the devil's princess."

Vox: "Oh? Who else is there? Someone who owes you money?"

Valentino: "*Laughs* Some people who owe us much more than money... (Y/N) and the Radio Demon are there."

[Upon hearing those words, electricity runs through Vox's head, and he scratches the desk so hard that it leaves scratch marks. Vox made small ominous laughs before turning to Valentino, two red lines appearing on the left side of his lower lip.]

Vox: (distorted) What did you just say?

Valentino: You heard me.

Vox: "that bitch is with... Alastor...*walks towards him* came back... and they are with Lucifer's daughter, and that wasn't the one *grabs him by the neck* FIRST SHIT YOU TOLD ME ?!?!?!

Valentino: *frees himself from the grip* Hey! Killing Alastor and his daughter is your kink. And he was going to go there but you stopped me."

[As he speaks, he walks over to the desk and turns on the television. Vox teleports to the center screen, which is a recording of a VoxTek Voyer scope. The scene, from a drone's point of view, shows Alastor using his powers to attack Sir Pentious's zeppelin while (Name) was sipping her tea like a queen but Alastor laughing as he hears Pentious screams.]

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