Welcome to heaven prt 2

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[The scene cuts right into the golden gates of Heaven where Charlie and Vaggie and (Y/N) are shown to be outside as the portal closes behind them.]

Charlie: "Vaggie (N/N), look at this place! It's so clean! Isn't that amazing?"

Vaggie: "*sarcastically* Yup, super cool. Heaven. Wow."

(Y/N): "*sarcastically" so cool..never seen this before"

[Charlie, Vaggie and (Y/N) approach the front desk where St peter pops up from behind his desk.}

St. Peter: "Hiya! Welcome to Heaven! Can I get your name please- *sees (Y/N)* oh fuck!"

[(Y/n) glared at St. Peter and he kept his mouth shut quickly]

Charlie: "Oh! Uhm, uh, Charlie Morningstar!"

[Peter opens the book of reservations that are supposed to be a list of names they've cataloging for those who are to enter heaven.]

St. Peter: "Charlie Morningstar, hmm, *mumbling names from list* I'm not seeing you on my list here, that's so odd."

Charlie: "Uh, uhm, my dad got me this meeting, so maybe..."

St. Peter: "[in background] Oh, Dad! Okay!"

Charlie: "Try Lucifer... Morning... star?"

[Peter realizes who Lucifer is.]

St. Peter: Oh, fuck! "*nervously* Yeah, hoooo, hehe. Yikes, am I right? Are you sure you're in the right place? Because I think you might be a little lost."

[Peter nervously flies down from the desk to Charlie and Vaggie. Vaggie is unamused of St. Peter, crossing her arms in disappointment.]

Vaggie: "Oh, here we go."

(Y/N): "esto seremos un desastre"

Charlie: "No, uh... we're, we're here for a meeting."

[Just then, high above the three of them, Sera and Emily suddenly appear in their angelic forms before turning into their humanoid forms as they land in front of Charlie and Vaggie and (Y/N).]

Sera: "St. Peter. We can take it from here. Greetings, daughter of the Morningstar. I am Sera, the high seraphim of heaven. You are gifted to be here *gasp* (N/N)! *hugs (Y/N) where have you been?!."

(Y/N): "let go Sera.."

Sera: "I'm never letting go again! *then Emily joined the hug*

[(Y/N groaned In annoyed way]

[The other angel, Emily, is super-excited to see outsiders from Heaven that she squeals and comes forward to greet them.]

Emily: "*squeals* Hi! I'm Emily, the other seraphim, though you can call me Em! Emmy, E, whatever you want, I go by whatever. *giggles* Welcome to Heaven! And welcome back (Y/N)!"

(Y/N): "I'm no one important just here for the meeting! And let go now"

[they both broke the hug]

Charlie: "uhm (Y/N) you've been here!?"

(Y/N): "I-i don't wanna talk about it"

[Peter flies overhead to get the gates open and starts to sing "Welcome to Heaven" begins. The gates open to reveal to Charlie and the unamused Vaggie and an angry/ embarrassed (Y/N) the world of Heaven, a beautiful, clean paradise that is the complete opposite of Hell. Even the Angels looked completely different than the demons.]

St. Peter: "Dearly beloved, it is my pleasure to say onto thee...♫ Welcome to Heaven, oh oh! ♫"

St. Peter: "♫ Where the virtuous reside, 24/7, oh oh! ♫"

Carmilla Carmine X (fallen) Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now