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Italic: Vance's thoughts


"Mr. Vance you're late again." Mrs. Claire said , staring at Vance's soul.

"I'm sorry Miss." He said nonchalantly, feeling all class's eyes on him.

"May I ask why?" Mrs. Claire said , placing the book on the table , folding her arms against her chest turning her full attention to him.

"I... There was a traffic jam on my way." He said, trying hard to think of a excuse.

"You are not the only one who is traveling. Other students were not this late." She spatted.

"I'm sorry. This will not repeat again." He apologized, looking down , wanting this to end, he is not guilty between.

She sighed, "Come in. I don't like commotion in my class." He finally became happy. Hoping the day will go well.


"Mr. Vance come here." Mrs. Claire called Vance who was packing his bag as the class already came to an end.

He got up , taking long strides towards her, "Yes mam." Here goes......

"It was the fourth time in the week you were late in my class, as a punishment you're supposed to make a detailed assignment on what happened in the year 1874. I want it on my table after 3 weeks." His history teacher said before walking away leaving him frustrated. He throwed his hands in air with a annoyed expression. Here, he thought he will enjoy the weekend. Just then his best friend Joseph walked in his class chewing a gum , bag hanging on his right shoulder.

"What's up Bro?!" He asked energy lacing in his voice. He looks so fresh unlike Vance.

"Sky" he replied boringly. Joseph made a disgusting face, "You're no fun." He rolled his eyes.

"Shut up Jos! This history teacher now wants me to make a DETAILED ASSIGNMENT on 1874 just because I came late in class." He replied emphasizing some words, questioning his existence. She can't punish him just because he came late to class.

"I already told you she got some personal issues regarding you." said Joseph, while dragging him out the class.

"Well, what special happened in 1874 that she want you to make a 'detailed assignment'. Huh?" He asked making him sit in the cafetaria.

"Umm.......It was the time after partition between North and South Merri , and the time of Monarchy starting." He said after thinking for a good minute.

"Oohh...Just select a wikipedea. Copy and Paste." He said,

"Nothing specific is available on internet." Vance said smiling through pain.

"No way..." Jos trailed off, he took out his phone and searched.

The only thing that came was the name and photo of the Monarch, nothing more.

"Bro.. you're in a big trouble.'' he said still trying to search more , if something come up. But bro failed.

/What should I do now? Urgh...I hate Mrs. Claire/

"I think you only got one solution" Josh said getting comfortable on his seat.

"What?" He asked instantly wanting to escape this punishment. Hope rising, maybe his dumb friend will help him.

"Go to a library. Oh yeah! I know one. It's famous , I heard that you can get any book there. What was it's name?... Oh yeah! Magico Library'' he exclaimed as soon as the name hits his mind.

"Magico what?" Vance asked unsure if his ears heard right. What a funny name for a library. He have been living in this area for years but never heard of it.

"LIBRARY!! You deaf moron!" He yelled

"You want me to go Library! THE Vance Silver will go to a library? No way. I'm not born to do this." Vance said setting his collar. "It's funny how you thought I'll listen to you." He added

"Do this when Mrs. Claire complain it to the principal and you'll be standing there in a small get together with your parents, Principal and your favourite teacher Mrs. Claire." He said
Sarcasm dripping from his voice.

"Ok. But why that weird name Library?" Vance said rolling his eyes trying to play cool.

"You know there are some rumours about it." He leaned on the table, in a hush tone so no one hear him.

''What rumours?'' he asked , curious.

"That some people had gone there but never returned."

"Then, I must go there." Vance said, his voice lacing with determination.


That was it before he was standing in front the library.

/It's quite big! Beautiful, but looks a bit old./

The librarian was working on the computer. She was a mid age lady with a annoyed expression.

Vance flinched when,

"YOU ALL SHUT UP! THIS IS NOT YOUR PUBLIC PARK! IT'S A LIBRARY AND IT IS MEANT TO BE SILENT" The librarian yelled in her shrill voice at some highschoolers who were gossiping and giggling a bit loudly.

Most of the things were made of wood only some rare things were made of metal.

After almost two hours of struggle, he found the history section. The Library is too big for it's own good. Now the only thing left is to find the book. He cracked his knuckles before starting the investigation. While finding, he couldn't help but notice , that he is all alone.

/So, No one likes history?/

He found several books that were of no use since those were related to other country's history.

/They care about other countries more than ours or what?! Every second book is related to America. What the-/

His thoughts cutted off, when his eyes fell on a brown, shredded book. It looked like it's not touched in years. Dust had settled on it , the cover was almost ripped out. He took it out , handling it delicately , otherwise it would be his money and the librarian's hand.

The title couldn't be read due to the poor cover , even the starting three , four pages were blank. The pages had turned yellowish-brown.

He looked around, dedicated to read it even if it not related to what he is looking for.

There was a little lonely poor stool, it's not allowed to read here but Vance Silver is born to break rules, he sat on the stool with the book in his lap. He held it securely.

He read the first page, his eyes felt tired and dizzy, his head began to ache , his hands found its way to his head and gripped it. His breaths became unsteady and the book fell onto the ground from his lap.

He heard a loud thud of dropping of book before he was out of the light.


Hey it's me! Hope you liked the firsttt chapterrr!

It's my first time writing a story like this one 😅.


Written on- 18-19 Feb, 2024

Published on- 21 March, 2024

{ It's inspired from 'Captain Jeon', there may be some scenes that reflects that story, but I promise it's not gonna be the entirely same}

Have a nice day! ❤️

| Mine Since 1874 |Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant