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I sat in my room , as they said. I closed my eyes , and fell on the bed. I remembered that mysterious lady only she knows all the answers to my questions. For some unknown reason, my breath hitched in my throat, again I felt a presence in the room.

There she was. That mysterious lady sitting on the chair while playing with her hair.

"Oh! Did you summoned me darling?" She asked seductively.

"Ask the questions now" she said while flipping her hairs at the back.

I asked the questions that were roaming in my mind. Thinking that she will disappear again.

"Who are you? Why am I here? What do you want from me? How am I gonna go in the present world? Why did you did this and how do these weird ass people know me wh--"

"Tch...tchh... Slow sweetheart, I'll answer them one by one" she said calmly.

"I'm Scarlett, Scarlett Witch! You're here because I want you to , I love playing with people lives you know. Second reason is a Vance was living here , who wished to go to another world and at the same time you read that book. So , I had to do something. About you going to the present world, it's not in my control, you have a task to complete, when it will be completed you'll disappear from here."

"What's the task now? And what do you mean by playing with people's lives. huh?!" I asked frustrated

She shrugged, " It's my decision what I want to do you can't do anything about it young buck! Don't make me angry otherwise I can make your life more complicated." She said fake smiling sweetly.

"That was it! Ba-By. I have a hook up with Lord Demon, he must be waiting for me ." She said excitingly and blushing.

Before I could say anything she disappeared, by turning into ashes. I just know one thing

/I'm in a big trouble/

Staring at the school I sighed, I'm supposed to join the military school. All young boys are doing so am I, because this is the time , when North and South Merri just partitioned. So North Merri can attack us anytime and we have to be prepared.

My Father here is a owner of big textile company, 'Roese'.

And guess what! This company still exists in 2024 as a brand. I wonder who was the runner after him that made it this successful.

/I-s it m-me?/

Written on- 26 Feb, 2024

Published on- 27 March, 2024

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