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"Arghh" I groaned, feeling a sharp pain in my right foot. I felt a soft mattress under me but not as soft as my bed between. Where am I? I slowly opened my eyes, and the first thing I saw , was a open sky.

/Wait a minute--/

My mind glitched. I looked around, I was in a damn forest. How did I even ended up here? I tried to sit , my back ached. Somehow I sat in a awkward position. My eyes landed on a little girl who was peeking at me from behind the tree. She was wearing a cloak. Wait people still wear it? Even her clothes looked so old-fashioned. Like hello there girl! I was not able to see her face due to it. Only her pink lips, and a little bit of nose.

I don't like to ask help from someone but, "Hey! Can you please help me?" She looked around and pointed at herself. "Uh.. yes you." I said ever so lowly doubting if she even heard it. Luckily she did. When she came near me I realised that she is not little, looked some years younger than me.

As she reached near me, she gasped staring at my foot whose wound was bleeding that I just noticed now. Without wasting any other second she took out a handkerchief and tied it around my foot. We heard several footsteps coming in our direction. She was the first one to look at the source. She held her cloak up. It was when I saw her full face , her hairs were brown and her enchanting brown eyes, that were looking colorful due to Sunshine falling on them.

She instantly stood up , bowed to me and ran from there.

/Wai-- What-/

I didn't got the time to process.

Some men wearing grey uniform and check print red kilt came towards me with horses. What in the movie is this? One of them who was odd, he was wearing all Black. He had green eyes, black hair, he was pale. So Handsome.

/But sadly I'm straight :⁠^⁠)/

He walked to me, worry filled his eyes. He checked me out- no I mean looked for any injuries.

"Who are you?" I asked backing away a little, they are many and I'm one and looking at how bulky he is , he can kill me with his bare hands.

/Is this a Cosplay?!/

He frowned, "I think you hitted your head somewhere."

/Maybe I did that's why I'm seeing weird people/

"Are you ok, young master?" He asked, concern evident in his voice.

"Young master who?" I'm getting frustrated now, this handsome hulk-

Without waiting for me to process something, he carried me in bridal style, like I weigh nothing.


I throwed my arms and legs in the air wanting him to release me. I could see the money I wasted on gym.

He made me sit on the horse.


My mind was messed up like someone forced there hand in my brain and shakes it.

I was terrified by what's happening.

/I mean who wouldn't be! You woke up and found yourself in a forest , a girl helped you, then a group of men came and a handsome man called you young master and forced you to come with him./

He made me sit on the horse and sat right behind me, he was so close that I was able to feel his fastened heartbeat.

Written on- 22 Feb, 2024

Published on- 25 March, 2024

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